New Webinar Room Exposed: Your Powerful Technology to Share Knowledge

Why getting a video conferencing room onboard is a milestone for your content marketing strategy? Because your digital business, your product or service, has a good story to tell, and valuable knowledge to share. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce you our New Webinar Room in full swing! How to make the most of it? Let’s find out!


Back in 2018, we have launched a BETA version of our new webinar room, as a brand-new chapter of our webinar software. The big idea standing behind it was to help you achieve your business goals faster and easier with the new quality and supreme webinar technology.

Since then, we have collected and gone through tons of super-valuable feedback from our clients and rubbed our elbows to refine the video conferencing room and deliver you a complete webinar solution!

What’s in it for you?


WebRTC technology – amazing audio-video quality

Although relevant and resourceful webinar content is the core of every successful online event, your webinars will not hit the nerve when the form is far from excellent.

To be more precise, we’re talking about the audio-video quality here. As we have dived into thousands of webinars held on various platforms, we have seen the terrific, and terrible live events.

Even if the presentation was interesting, and the presenter was knowledgeable, it was hard to follow and engage when the sound and vision was poor.

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That’s why implementing supreme audio-video quality into new webinar room was our top priority! The solution was simple, and we have decided that the WebRTC technology is a way to go.

How will your webinars look and sound in razor-sharp audio-video quality? You are only a few steps from finding out! Try it free and discover the sound and vision your audience will fall for.

What’s more?


Where user-friendly design meets new features

If you did some time-traveling, you would see how the Internet drastically evolved over the last two decades. Websites, web and mobile applications have been on an odyssey to finally deliver an intuitive, user-friendly experience.

Because our clients, including those who thrive with webinars, throw “easy-to-use” and “simplicity” expressions at us like rose petals, we have developed our webinar software to meet the latest UX trends. At the end of the day, we wanted you to get your fingers on friendly and simple-to-use platform, powered up with a fresh, and modern design, and fully responsive layout.

When it comes to features, we wanted to gear up your new webinar room with handy tools:

  • Question Mode – this feature makes you a king of your event’s Chat and Q&A. You decide what question you want to display and answer first. Question Mode ensures the discussion doesn’t get out of your hand.

  • Recorder layouts – if you haven’t recorded your live events, it’s a perfect time to start! You can send the recording to your prospects and leads and let them watch the event on-demand. Plus – WARNING! SPOILER ALERT – you will reuse the recording for building your Automated webinar! With Recorder layouts feature, you can easily choose a template and decide how your recorded event will look like.

  • Streaming on Facebook or YouTube – expanding your reach plays a huge role, and social media channels are made for that. With this tool, you can stream live your webinar either on Facebook, or on YouTube, and grow your business audience like on steroids.

Okay! Now it’s time to find out why do you need it a video conferencing room in the first place.



The power of knowledge sharing

Although the above subheading might suggest you that webinars are strictly for education, that would be only partially true. Let’s go higher like a drone, and examine the full perspective:

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The reason why communication is an essential matter (and a neuralgic point as well) regardless whether you run a solo business, work in a small or medium company, or operate within a vast network in a large organization.

Information sharing and solving problems with precious know-how and expertise is a like an engine oil. You won’t go far without it. To keep your vehicle up and running, you need to grease it on a regular basis.

Let’s break it down:


Online meetings and team collaboration

Hundreds of web and mobile applications designed for project management and team collaboration haven’t come out of anywhere.

Businesses of all sizes have struggled (and honestly – many of them are still struggling) with delays, misunderstandings, misconceptions, and many other bumps in the road. The majority of failures is about wrong communication.

How to prevent them?

With the help of video conferencing! As soon as you make online video meetings a habit in your everyday work, keeping everyone up-to-date with current projects won’t be a nuisance anymore.

Why webinars are the most excellent choice when it comes to agile project management and online business meetings? Thanks to their features, such as Screen SharingWhiteboard with drawing tools, uploading files, and – what’s worth highlighting – token-protected data-security.

Does team collaboration have anything to do with sharing knowledge? Hell yes! Your online meetings won’t click if they miss sharing information, know-how, and expertise.



Online courses and training sessions

It’s the purest essence of knowledge sharing. Teaching and training online have changed education.

As we have spotlighted earlier, the global e-learning market is expected to grow from $176 billion in 2017 to reach $325 billion by 2025!

Thriving online teachers, like Arturo Tedeschi, have found webinars as a dream tool to take the leverage of the online courses hype. This world-class computational designer uses webinar room to share and sell his knowledge with students all over the globe!

And what about training sessions?

Larger corporates, such as Nest Bank, discovered the power of webinars for cutting off time and money-wasting spent on traditional, stationary training sessions. They use video conferencing room to gather hundreds of employees and franchisees in one place and to make sure the staff is on the same page when it comes to frequent product updates.

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Scalability, and again – full scope of features make a difference here. With tools like Screen Sharing, PresentationWhiteboard, Video, Survey, Chat and Q&A, online teachers and trainers make their knowledge sharing efficient and engaging.

And finally:


Product Demo Webinars – lead generation and sales machine

Well educated client is a long-term client – said Mikołaj Winkiel from Brand24 in our video case study.

In our opinion, it should be a motto written at the beginning of each severe marketing strategy.

Business communication is something more than viral storytelling. It’s about solving real problems with valuable, relevant knowledge.

Why content marketing in general, and video content in particular, have grown so much to become such a titan? Because solving pain points, and showing solutions, is its superpower.

Product Demo Webinars fit here perfectly. When you show your leads HOW your product works and teach them HOW to use it to make their problems go away, they will very likely stay with you for longer.

As we proved in our latest State of Webinars Report, webinars do the trick at each stage of the sales funnel:

Why? Because with webinars you gain a unique opportunity to explain your future clients “why to choose and how to use” your product. And, very often, the beauty lies in the details. Feature-heavy and easy-to-use video conferencing room gives you a chance to take those details under a microscope.

Feature-wise, apart from the previously mentioned Screen Sharing or Survey, marketers and sales specialists can’t live without a customizable Call-To-Action to entice their leads to make the final click.


Ready to see how new webinar room works?

We wanted to show you the heart of your future webinar business before you even create an account. To take a quick tour, to see how it works, before you sign up for a free trial.

That’s why we created this website – to give you an interactive demo, and how your new webinar room will perform in different use cases.

So, make yourself comfortable, navigate, and explore. Don’t be afraid to try it live and turn on the camera – this will give you a preview of how amazing webinars are!

And most importantly – why knowledge sharing feels great! Enjoy!

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