6 Webinar Definitions and What They Tell You About Webinars

Webinars have become popular over the last couple of years. Many people are regular participants or attend webinars from time to time.

However, there still are Internet users who have never heard of, or heard very little, about online events you can host and attend via webinar platforms. If such a person asked you what a webinar is, would you be able to give them one, concise definition?

In this article, we gathered six webinar definitions, each of them focusing on different webinar features. Let’s take a look at them together.


1. Definition by English Oxford Living Dictionaries

A seminar conducted over the Internet.#

No doubt about it. You need to be connected to the Internet to be able both to run and attend a webinar. Webinar platforms enable you to host online events for people based in many different locations. So before you start your first webinar it’s good to check if your Internet connection works properly so as to avoid unexpected problems during the event.

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2. Definition by Collins

An interactive seminar conducted over the Internet. #

The interaction between the host and webinar attendees is one of the main ideas behind a webinar. You don’t just sit and talk to your microphone and webcam, and they don’t merely sit and listen to and watch you. You can interplay with your participants all the time during your webinar and you both can benefit from this. The next webinar definition elaborates on this topic.


3. Definition by Merriam-Webster

A live online educational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions and comments. #

You can actually have a conversation with your participants. They can get in touch with you via chat immediately when a question related to the webinar topic comes to their mind. They can also take part in a Q&A session, e.g. at the end of the event, to ask you to clear up any doubts that appeared during your presentation. You can answer their questions, give further explanations and provide them with any details they need. Then you can ask attendees to take part in a survey to answer your questions – e.g. about your performance, whether they expectations have been fulfilled and what topic they would like you to discuss next time.


4. Definition by Cambridge Dictionary

An occasion when a group of people go on the internet at the same time to study and discuss something. #

Webinars are, among others, educational events. You can take an expert’s role and share knowledge on important topics your audience is interested in. You can host a video-tutorial webinar to show attendees how to e.g. build, cook, fix, draw, or choose something. You can also give them tips and tricks from your own experience. Many different tools available from webinar platforms will help you achieve that aim.

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5. Definition by LifeWire

A webinar is a live web-based video conference that uses the internet to connect the individual hosting the webinar to an audience–the viewers and listeners of the webinar from all over the world. Hosts can show themselves speaking, switch to their computer screens for slideshows or demonstrations, and even invite guests from other locations to co-host the webinar with them#

Speaking of tools, there are many at hand when you need to deliver your online lecture. You can use your camera so the audience can see you all the time. You can present a slideshow, share your screen to show attendees how to use an app or demonstrate something on a virtual whiteboard – to name just a few. And if you need a helping hand and your webinar platform provider offers such an option (ClickMeeting does!) you can ask an expert to be the second host and run your webinar with you.


6. Definition by Webopedia

Short for Web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web using video conferencing software. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements is the ability to give, receive and discuss information in real-time. #

And last but not least: all you do during your online event – interaction, knowledge sharing, asking and answering questions – happens in real-time, as if you were all sitting together in a conference room! This lets you react instantly to any question your audience asks, any comment they write or any doubt they need you to clear. They don’t have to wait for you to help or support them. You don’t have to wait to learn what their needs are.

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As you can see, if we were to write a precise and exhaustive webinar definition, we would end up creating a longish piece of text. Each definition discussed above focuses on one or several important features that let you host awesome online events for your audience. If you would like to try them out, check the tools ClickMeeting offers.

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