Webinar Glossary Close-up: What is Brand Awareness

Brand awareness as a buzzword has become a part of a digital marketing mantra. Where to begin in creating brand awareness? How to grow it and achieve a top-notch brand recognition? Let’s find out!


As an entrepreneur and marketer, you know how each industry is struggling to find its place in the changing digital universe. Business players are intoxicated with all the marketing terms. It goes for webinars too. We know it’s hard to keep your finger on the pulse at all times and to be familiar with all the terminology. That’s why we have released our Webinar Glossary with all the essential webinar and online marketing terms in one handy place.

Once a month, we are going to highlight the most crucial phrases from our Webinar Glossary and take a closer look at them. The first definition we are taking under our microscope is Brand Awareness.

Are you ready for a dive-in?


What is Brand Awareness?

According to a recent study published by Label Insight, clear brand communication plays a huge role in customer loyalty and trust.

And it makes sense why – prospects today want to know who you are and what you’re all about before spending money on your products. That’s one area where brand awareness becomes mission critical.

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Brand awareness measures how familiar people are with your company. It also measures how much people know about what you do. A high level of brand awareness means a lot of people know what you sell and what makes you stand out. Brand awareness is crucial for any business in any industry.


How to define Brand Awareness in Webinars?

Brand Awareness – one of the most crucial business purposes webinars can serve. Creating attractive and useful webinar content, sharing innovative ideas with attendees and spreading a meaningful message across your industry will bring you closer to brand awareness perfection.


Ideas for Brand Awareness Webinars

There are lots of ways to use webinars to build brand awareness and make your target audience gravitate to your brand. Take a look and make some room for one of these in your content strategy or playbook:

  • Idea sharing. Give your audience free advice and guidance using your own in-house experts. Go the extra mile and provide valuable resources or statistics to help them even more.
  • Strategic partnerships. Team up with an industry-related influencer to host or guest on your webinar. They can help push their large online audience to your social media and other digital channels.
  • General industry talk. When choosing a webinar topic, start broad. The more interest your potential customers have in the topic the better. Avoid talking about your product – this is just for positioning yourself as a leader and getting more eyeballs on your work
  • Audience research. Polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions are all great ways to learn more about the people you’d like to sell to. Use webinars to reach out and engage on a more personal level with your prospects.
  • Featured experts. Make your customers see your brand associated with cutting edge observations from credible sources. Once you do that, they’ll be more likely to trust your company and your product or service. While these experts may not have as much internet clout as an influencer would, their in-depth knowledge would be valuable to prospects.
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How to Start Build Brand Awareness Using Webinars

First and foremost:

You must create webinar content that is both actionable and appealing. To do so, you’ll have to take a deep dive into your market. Find out what their internet searches look like with help from tools like Google Trends and BuzzSumo. Once you know what your audience is looking for you can build your content plan around your findings.

You can also go directly to the source – the customers themselves. Sites like Quora and LinkedIn with people looking for answers to their latest problem. Why not film a webinar that gives them a solution?


Search for the corresponding keywords. Integrating them into your webinar creation and promotion will help new customers find or learn about your brand. Try using SimilarWeb or AnswerThePublic to dig up those phrases.

Also, if these study results from Nielsen hold any truth, it would appear that 60% of global consumers are more than likely to buy a product if they are already familiar with the brand. So using SEO to get found on the internet should top your priority list.


Where do you go from there?

Once you have your content chosen and your SEO keywords in place, make sure that every webinar you host provides extra value. Things like actionable tips and bonus materials go a long way toward building relationships. You can also offer those free extras elsewhere online to help lead potential customers back to your brand.

To promote your webinar, you’ll need to create a campaign. Build a landing page that is consistent with your webinar appearance settings. Set up email marketing for invitations and follow-ups. Plan organic and paid campaigns for your social media. As a bonus, you can also target the social media groups you have explored before to get back in front of some old familiar faces.

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This is super-important:

When you do go live, keep in mind that the two most essential presentation factors in any successful webinar is high-quality audio and video components. Use a platform that has WebRTC technology, and you can’t go wrong. Also, while you’re at it, why not make sure you’re sharing your content live as well? Sites like Facebook and YouTube make live streaming easy. Take advantage of these free resources to get the mileage out of every presentation.

Moreover, just because the webinar is over doesn’t mean your brand awareness efforts are too. Develop a ninja follow up strategy. Preferably one that involves sending attendees a link to the recorded webinar. You can even send a new call to action with it.

Seize the moment and ask them to follow and share your content on popular social media channels? You can also send them a survey to get a better insight into their thoughts and feelings about the webinar. Use their feedback to reach even more people next time around.


Launch content that will grow your brand awareness and help in driving sales

If you’re interested in building brand awareness, you should consider using webinars and their many useful features to do so. All you need is a little audience research, a unique selling point, and some rock solid strategy. You’ll dominate the brand awareness game in no time!


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