Why using webinars can help you communicate complex topics and difficult ideas

You have been assigned a challenging task – present a complicated issue to an audience who is not familiar with the topic and might have problems understanding it. You have to ensure they got the message and were able to comprehend it. From this article, you will learn why it’s worth considering webinars to help you communicate difficult topics effectively.


Who can benefit from webinars when a complex topic is to be communicated?

1. Marketers who need to explain complex ideas and business solutions

As a marketer, you often face the challenge of convincing your boss, clients, or colleagues that steps you would like to take, or have already taken, will bring profits to the company and increase revenue.

Marketing topics you know inside out might not be that easy for your audience to comprehend. With webinars, you can meet attendees in a real-time and use interactive features to help get your point across and win their approval.

2. Teachers and instructors running online courses and workshops

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As a teacher, you are eager to make use of the latest tech solutions when sharing knowledge with your students. Don’t underestimate the advantages webinar platforms can bring when difficult topics are on the course agenda.

If you host your course via a webinar platform, your students can see and hear you even if they are many miles away. But more importantly, you have a set of tools at hand to effectively present the content and check their progress on a regular basis.

3. Salespeople presenting products and services

Webinars are a great tool for giving effective product presentations. You can use them both to present your product to prospects and to let your current customers know new features have been implemented.

When your product is a complex piece of software, a technologically advanced machine or a service that comprises many processes and your audience is scattered around the world, webinars are a perfect way to get your message across effectively.


Why are webinars a great tool when it comes to communicating complex ideas?

1. Webinars are real-time, interactive events

Although webinars happen online, they take place in real time and let you interact with your audience. This enables you to establish a good relationship with attendees.

When an attendee wants you to elaborate on a topic or explain something in a more detailed way, they can ask a question via chat. They can also wait until you start a Q&A session and ask their question then.

2. Webinar platforms offer features that support you in conveying your message

It’s not only the audio & video feature that makes webinars a great communication tool. Good webinar platforms offer you solutions that let you:

  • Have a chat with attendees
  • Show them your own screen to explain how a system or application functions
  • Give voice to your attendees so they can ask questions
  • Answer their questions immediately
  • Sketch and write something in real time
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3. With webinars, you can gather feedback and check whether you got your point across

Sometimes, complex topics might need a further explanation. It’s good to know if you need to schedule a follow-up meeting to provide your audience with more information. With webinars, you can learn their needs immediately, analyze your performance and plan what steps you must take to make sure your audience got all the necessary data.


Which webinar features come in handy helping your audience understand a complex idea?

1. Screen sharing

Let’s say you are a member of the sales team for an IT company, responsible for presenting your newest e-commerce app. As part of a product presentation, you are supposed to show your customers and prospects how it works and convince them its features are user-friendly.

It might not be a good idea to ask them to imagine they click a button, fill in a form, or create a user account. Static screenshots might not be any more helpful. But what if you could share your screen and take your audience step by step through a complex process? Sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? With webinars, you can do it.

2. Whiteboard

Imagine you are a marketer who has to convince a group of stakeholders, scattered across the country, that a new marketing automation platform can help make your marketing activities more time and cost-effective. You have invited them to a webinar to present some facts and figures. Your attendees want you to explain what calculations have led you to the conclusions you are presenting and to show them how an automation workflow works. Use the whiteboard to write the formulas you have used and briefly sketch a simple marketing automation workflow.

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3. Polls and surveys

Can there be a better way to make sure members of your audience understand the topic you covered during the webinar than to ask them for feedback? Let’s say you are a teacher using a webinar platform to host online maths courses for university students. Every time you finish a lesson you can make use of the polls and surveys feature to run a short test. In this way, you can check whether your attendees remember and understand the key points of the lesson.



Of course, these are only a few of the features webinar platforms offer users who need to communicate complex topics to their audience. Check out the other features Clickmeeting provides and start planning your webinar today!

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