How To Use Webinars To Grow An Email Marketing List

If you are in online business and run a website you understand the importance of well planned, thoughtful and, in turn, effective marketing. Without it, there is little chance of growing your brand, increasing revenue, meeting the goals of your business or even getting a steady stream of targeted traffic that will convert on your calls to action.


One of the most effective online marketing methods is email marketing. According to the Merkle Marketing Agency, 74% of consumers prefer to receive marketing and commercial messages through email and the Direct Marketing Association report that email marketing has a 4,300% ROI.

Email marketing involves growing a list of subscribers that are interested in what your company has to offer. By engaging an email marketing service, such as, GetResponse, you have access to a wide variety of tools, including, subscriber and list management, opt-in forms, autoresponders that send messages automatically based on your settings and various styles of newsletters.

bulbBut, the important concern is how to entice subscribers and grow a marketing list to its full potential? While there are various methods to achieve this goal, one actually stands out in its ability to attract not only a very targeted audience, but, one that can convert much better than other methods and that is the webinar.

Webinars, through the use of high quality service providers, such as, ClickWebinar, offer the opportunity to conduct online seminars to an unlimited number of people, it really is virtual reality at its best.

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Benefits Of Webinars

There are three main benefits of webinars.

  • They attract a highly targeted audience, which, increases conversion rates exponentially.
  • They deliver comprehensive and even complex information in a highly receptive visual manner.
  • They provide the unique ability to connect with an audience, unlike, cold sales pages.


Using Webinars To Grow An Email List

Webinars can go a long way to increase your list of subscribers that you can cater your marketing messages to on an on-going basis. The best practices for using webinars to promote a list are listed below and will yield the most optimal results in enticing people to opt-in, as well as solidify relationships that can pay for years.


Offering Value

togetherOffering value in a webinar has a sort of avalanche effect. First, it facilitates trust from the audience to the presenter and that trust naturally turns into loyalty. Once the audience receives something of value they will become loyal list members. But, it does not stop there because it continues to serve you beyond the initial sign up into long term relationships that can yield the most optimal results.

Offering the most useful information possible can be your biggest asset in an email marketing campaign. It strengthens the trust, and loyalty established in the webinar, both of which are known to increase conversions across all industries.

Trust and loyalty also facilitate higher email open rates, click through rates on offers and increased conversions for marketing messages sent to subscribers emails. Offering value is the best way to create a dynamic of reliability between the marketer and their list and webinars achieve this result in the best possible way.

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Educational webinars are one example where offering something truly useful to the audience as related to the industry or niche of the company can go a long way to instilling trust and building the types of relationships that will create a truly responsive list. When people are provided with value, they will always want more. They will eagerly await your next email and they will be incredibly responsive.

happyGo beyond what is expected in your presentation. Use the powerful tools that are included in webinar platforms, such as, Powerpoint slides, images, video and desktop sharing.

Offer more than just a general overview of a topic, instead dig deep and illustrate not only your expertise, but, how much you care about the audience and the information they receive.


Connect With An Audience

As opposed to a cold sales page, a webinar allows you, as a live person to connect with your target audience. Your personality that shines through your voice can be the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal.

dv1954038Did you know that emotion is one of the most powerful conversion tools in marketing? Webinars allow you to connect with your audience on a much more personal level than other online marketing mediums. A webinar presentation allows you to stand out in a sea of lead capture and sales pages. It facilitates a true connection with an audience, and when that connection is positive you will win a more receptive and engaged subscriber for your list.


Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that webinars offer various unique and incredibly effective benefits in marketing online, and they are the ideal method to grow a responsive list for email marketing.

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Think outside the box when creating webinars to build your list, offer more than the competition and make sure to let your personality shine through, you will impress your audience and they will impress you back.

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