How to Spice up Your Marketing Using Webinars

ClickMeeting/ClickWebinar is a diverse tool that gives professionals an affordable way to create marketing webinars. Webinars that provide free information of interest to your market segment  are the most effective way  to create a solid bond of trust between you and those on your email list. This trust makes it easier to market your products to those individuals later.


Choose the Type of Webinar

First of all define the goal of your webinar.


Do you want to make a sales presentation to a large group of potential clients

or perhaps just focus on gaining one big account?


Do you want to host a live presentation or record it for download availability?


Is the event going to be free or will it be offered as an educational product for sale or a bonus for subscribers?

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Marketing your Webinar Event

The only way webinar marketing will be successful, as far as achieving your   goals, is if you gain enough prospects, clients or buyers. Obviously you have to put some thought and effort into marketing the event.


  • Start with your current subscribers and send them an announcement email. If you plan to charge for the webinar, offer them an exclusive discount with a  deadline to encourage them to sign up quickly.
  • Add an opt-­‐in form on your web page(s). This is a great way to get interested visitors to attend or buy the webinar. It also adds them to your mailing list by requiring a name and email address along with appropriate opt-in verbiage.
  • Write a press release announcing the upcoming event and submit it to several aggregation sites.
  • Announce the upcoming webinar via social media.


There are many ways that webinar marketing can be used to make money, establish your presence, and gain customers.


Follow-through is vital

After a webinar is a perfect opportunity to communicate with the registrants and build relationships. Send notes to attendees and notes to registrants who missed out.










Provide a link for those who missed the webinar, so they can watch later.

A recorded webinar on your website is  a marketing asset you can use to attract even more visitors.  


Here are some advantages of webinar marketing


Webinars save money

According  to research, 61% of all companies are using webinars to reduce the number of in‐person events. Studies say that some companies who launched webinar programs saved 75% on event expenses.

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Webinars can cost less than 25 cents per minute. That is a much more cost-effective way of presenting than the cost of flying in presenters, renting a conference, room and equipment, and providing refreshments.



Webinars reach more people

Many business people, including advocates and decision makers, don’t have the time or inclination to attend conferences and trade shows.

Webinars allow them to listen when they wish, especially if it has been pre­‐recorded so they can watch at their convenience.

Your audience and presenters can simply participate from their desks or their home offices.


Webinars require less time

It’s easier to get attendees to commit to attending your  webinar when it is only about an hour long. This is way more appealing than sitting through a daunting conference that can last for hours.



We are very curious how you managed to spice-up your marketing via online meetings and webinars. Feel free to leave us any feedback you may have.



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