How to Run Huge Virtual Events for up to 10,000 Viewers?

Going online with your large-scale event is now more possible than ever! We just rolled out a product change that opens you a way to organize huge virtual events for even up to 10,000 viewers! Let’s take this significant upgrade under a microscope.


Moving large-scale onsite events to an online world is no longer optional. However, like it was with digitalizing other business activities and meetings, you might find it challenging.

As far as running online meetups for smaller groups of teammates or business partners or conducting webinars for dozens (or even hundreds) of attendees isn’t rocket science, you may ask:

Is it technically possible to virtually gather thousands of people in one place? Can I fully replace my traditional onsite event with an online one?


The answer is – YES!


How to organize huge virtual events?

With ClickMeeting’s freshly released webcasting feature, you can now surely make a switch to running your large-scale events entirely online, scaling up your communication activities, and meeting thousands of people virtually. No matter where they are!

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How to make it happen?

Your first step is reaching out to our Sales team. As a result, you will receive an out-of-the-box, enterprise solution that will perfectly meet your business needs. Secondly, a dedicated Account Manager from our side will help you fully customize your account to include crucial aspects of your brand identification – logo, brand colors, and even your custom URL!




Your Account Manager will then give you a hand in creating your huge virtual event, where you will:

  • Gather up to  10,000 viewers! (Yes, that’s the size of a stadium!);

  • Check the number of viewers as the event goes along and notice how your audience evolve with time;

  • Invite up to four guest speakers to become presenters during your event which comes in handy for conducting several panelist sessions in a row;

  • View and download the viewers’ list after the event is over.

Please note a difference between a webinar attendee or an online meeting participant, and a webcast viewer. The last one can only watch the event without a two-way interaction.


How to transform your huge virtual events into a revenue source?

For years, organizing onsite conferences, trade shows, or training sessions has been a successful business model. The pandemic arrival turned the entire event industry inside out, and organizers had to either cancel, postpone, or move their events to the digital reality.

As we found in our report, organizing paid webinars has been recognized as a primary or additional way to make a living.

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Setting up a paid access to your huge virtual event is a way to stay in the event business and still make money on selling tickets.

You can easily do it by:

  • Integrating ClickMeeting with your PayPal account;

  • Connecting it with platforms like Eventbrite through Zapier or Pheedloop;

  • Match it with your own payment method with the help of the ClickMeeting’s API.



How to promote your webcasts?

Just like in the case of traditional webinars, getting the word about your huge events spread among your audience is a crucial aspect.

We’re handing over several ways to build up your audiences, such as sending customized email invitationssharing on social media, or promoting your virtual event on your profile and registration pages.

But in a long-run perspective, we give you more tools to make your viewers stay with you for upcoming events. Rewarding them with certificates of attendance and sending them valuable resources through automatic follow-ups will fit in here perfectly!

HINT – with the follow-ups feature, you can automatically reach out to people who registered, but eventually didn’t show up at your event.

Here’s how:



How to make your online events engaging?

You are looking for a way to replace traditional gatherings with the online ones. Therefore, you will need an array of tools to present your content to a broader audience.

As soon as you enter your event room, you will get instant access to:

  • Presentation – where you can showcase your presentation, graphics, or any other file, just like it used to be on big conference screens in traditional venues;

  • Whiteboard to make notes and sketches to visualize your topic to your audience;

  • Video – to play a pre-selected video clip directly from YouTube.

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But we have more than that for you to forget about the old-school, onsite events. With ClickMeeting, you have a great option to invite guest speakers and breaking down your event into smaller groups for narrowed down topics.


How to secure your online events?

Broadcasting your content to up to 10,000 people should be seamless when it comes to the technical side and presenting knowledge, and that’s indisputable. However, it can be all jeopardized if your online gathering is disturbed by trolls.

Luckily, at ClickMeeting, we have what it takes for you to protect your events. Our platform secures huge virtual events with options to:

  • Set up paid access to your webcast – so you know the viewers are only those who are determined enough to pay to watch your event (Internet hooligans won’t bother).

  • Protect it with a password or a unique token – so you make sure who is about to enter your event room.

  • Lock your event room itself to take care of any possible breaches as you carry on.



Are you ready to start running huge virtual events?

All in, with the latest ClickMeeting product upgrade, you can use webcasting technology to scale up your online communication and get your content in front of up to 10,000 viewers!

This solution goes beyond our standard pricing. To make it happen, contact our Sales team to get a quote.


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