***NOTE TO INSPECTOR: All visible graphics are our own design, and were produced for this particular shoot.***

How Videoconferencing Helps Business Communication

What a great time we live in with technology consistently improving and enhancing our lives, and there is no better example than videoconference. There is no denying that videoconferencing has come of age and is now a widely used communication platform across a broad spectrum of business organizations. Developments in wireless and communications technology have allowed several of today’s business environments to take full advantage of videoconferencing technologies to foster real-time, face to face interactions anytime and from almost everywhere.

The benefits of video conferencing in businesses are far and wide. From cutting travel expenses to saving time and resources, videoconferencing allows companies to efficiently manage business communication systems in order to achieve strategic benefits of higher productivity and improved business processes.


Communication Is Key

Any company that sets its sights on business success knows that fostering a communication process that allows empowerment, collaboration and knowledge and information sharing should be a key strategy.

This is where videoconferencing, which allows for real time interactions and improved relationships among colleagues and across the organizational ladder, proves its advantage.

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Because videoconferencing simply allows companies to reap the advantages of face to face communication without being constrained by physical distances.

The reality in many of today’s business setup is that company operations and a whole gamut of experts and staff are spread out across different locations. While written memos and occasional business meetings that entail travel are quite commonplace, a better communications strategy would include face to face meetings conducted almost as soon as expediencies allow.

By doing videoconferences, company assets could meet whenever and wherever they are, thus speeding up necessary responses, crucial decisions and ultimately the whole business process as a result of more frequent and timely communication.

And, let us not forget the all-important client relations that can be greatly improved upon with this platform. By choosing videoconference over faceless old school conference calls your business relationships can be skyrocketed to all new levels.


Improved Relationships

In the art of doing good business, relationships are best built rather than just simple interaction. Building relationships entail constant and responsive communication. Doing frequent face to face meetings will somehow do the trick, if only resources are not scant and the perpetual race to the plane of competitive advantage was a thing of the past.

With huge meeting costs having the potential of saddling business finances and allotting time to attend meetings take away crucial time best spent for more productive endeavors, videoconferencing is the next best thing to traditional modes improving relationships through constant and responsive communication.

Unlike teleconferences, videoconferences are visual, and there lies the rub. Videoconferencing removes communication barriers by allowing meeting participants to see facial expressions and body language.

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A basic telephone call cannot do that, and for this it is considered as a less personal mode of communication. With videoconferencing, managers are able to deal with staff in a more personal way, hence fostering better relationships across the business organization.


Supporting Collaboration

It is also important to note that through this communication medium, files, images and presentations can be shared. A company that conducts videoconferences instead of the usual memo sharing and email exchange is a company that invites collaboration within its organization. Information and ideas are exchanged faster, with the visual support of graphics and images to boot.

Videoconferencing is also a potent tool in elevating capacities within organizations by collaborating with experts from across the globe in training company staff and sharing with them ideas and information.

When interaction with experts can be done almost anytime and from wherever they are, stronger collaborations without the constraints of tight schedules and loss of precious time are created and cultivated. Videoconference sessions may even be recorded, with the consent of these experts, to provide training tools for future use and compliance regulations within the industry.

As a whole, videoconferencing provides an arsenal of tangible results in terms of improving business communication. In this age of powerful handheld devices, high speed internet connections and a rich selection of videoconferencing tools and applications that are becoming less and less prohibitive in costs, business organizations of today are more and more finding videoconferencing a reliable ally in enhancing communication strategies and company performance.


Bottom Line

As you can see the benefits are plentiful and short of being there to shake hands in person, videoconferencing is the ultimate blend of cost and communication effectiveness.

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While for some technology may be intimidating, the truth is that today’s advanced and user-friendly videoconference platforms allow even the most gun shy tech user to excel in it.

It is definitely worth the time, effort and cost to invest in this medium to reap all the benefits it brings.

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