How To Use Webinars To Onboard Your Customers

Onboarding webinars are an essential marketing strategy to help customers realize the full potential of your offering, be it a product or service. Think of it as the most impressive and detailed introduction to what they just purchased.

Consider times you have made a purchase and were overwhelmed with a 30 page “get started” guide and wished you had someone to hold your hand through the process, that is exactly what an onboarding webinar does!

If you provide a great experience from the very first interaction a customer has with your brand, you have laid the foundation for a long-lasting relationship and you will be rewarded with a high retention rate.


6 Key Elements Of An Onboarding Webinar

    1. First, an onboarding webinar should tell the audience how to get started with the product or service in question. This provides a clear understanding in how to begin using the product and helps the buyer make the most of their purchase, which in turn promotes retention and helps you keep that paying customer for the long term. Consider the power of such a webinar in not only providing information but also for building strong relationships with your customers.
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    1. Second, you should detail the product’s or service’s best uses and applications in certain settings, an element that allows the buyer to not only fully understand how it can be used but also allows them more flexibility and options to apply it to their own needs.


    1. Third, when applicable provide a more detailed look into the various features. This is especially important for the most complex or feature rich products. This part of the onboarding webinar offers the customer more usability options, helping to make your product or service that much more valuable and therefore increasing retention rates.


    1. No matter the product or service, customers will have questions. The Q&A part of an onboarding webinar allows you to answer these questions, once again being of great service to your customers and their needs. The Q&A should continue after the webinar in follow up form, (email is a good option) in case there was not enough time to answer all questions.


    1. Next, it’s important to provide further reading materials, takeaways and any other handouts that your customers can use for later study. The goal of these types of items is to provide references that customers can use at their conveniences, including instructions, best practices, features guide, mindmaps and any other pertinent data your customers may benefit from.
  1. The final element of the onboarding webinar should provide customers with a way to contact the company for whatever reason, and most important for their support needs.



The onboarding webinar and all its elements streamline and simplify your customer’s journey through your products and services. Imagine how much easier these steps make the lives of your customers. The more useful you are to your customer, the more solid relationships you build with them and the more likely they are to continue paying for the product. Onboarding webinars are good for your brand and your bottom line .

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It’s homework time! Create an outline for your next onboarding webinar and list in bullet point form the details you will include in your presentation for each of the six elements listed above. If you feel like sharing your ideas with us, please feel free to do so in the comments!

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