Communicating with Your Prospects Using Webinars + FREE EBOOK

Learn ways to nurture leads with webinars before they buy your product or service. Use sales webinars to get good insights into your audience needs and to improve your offer.

Traditional online selling becomes less effective with each passing year, with users constantly pushed into buying by repeated calls to action. As a result, online selling is losing its ability to influence buying decisions. So if you’re smart, you’ll do it the other way round: look for ways to communicate and engage your prospective clients and then wait for them to buy your product or service. This is webinar lead nurturing at its best.


4 Goals You Can Achieve with Sales Webinars

A webinar is an ideal medium for attracting a target audience and presenting a message. Webinars wrap sales in meaningful, relevant informational content that answers a question or solves a problem in your industry. In other words, webinars allow you to move your prospects through the sales funnel without being overly pushy. Here are 4 examples of what you can achieve by incorporating webinars in your sales strategy:

  1. Webinars help you inform your audience. Demonstrate how your product works and how it solves your audience’s problem or satisfies their needs. Don’t ask them to buy; simply help them realize they need it.
  2. Webinars help you attract high-converting leads and turn them into buyers. By requiring attendees to register for your webinar, you ensure that those who turn up are primed for what you offer. The interest they show provides initial engagement and a foundation for a relationship you can build upon. It will be much easier for you to present your webinar.
  3. Webinars can be recorded and shared. You can send the recording to your attendees as a follow-up so they can replay it as they wish. This strengthens the relationship you’ve just started to build. You can also send the recording to re-engage leads who couldn’t attend. There’s no extra cost, and the effect is priceless.
  4. Webinars can give you good insights into audience needs. Use surveys to listen to your customers and learn what attracts them to your business. You can also discover what they’ve found useful and find out any issues with your product, so you can sort out problems that could be driving customers away. Use this knowledge to improve your offer – and close more sales.
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Learn More From a Pro!

OK, so these are the basics — there’s much more to know! Learn first-hand from our expert. Download our exclusive eBook “A Better Way To Score Webinar Leads” by Ken Molay:



Here’s what you’ll learn from the eBook:

  1. Why traditional lead scoring questions backfire
  2. How to analyze webinar reports to identify interested leads
  3. How to structure presentation content to uncover sales leads
  4. Ways to let leads identify themselves
  5. Best practices for polls and surveys
  6. The number one technique for benefitting from a webinar lead
Download free eBook
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