What is the Current Approach to Online Learning and Working from Home? [Report]

How are remote work and online learning affecting us and our lives seven months after the COVID-19 outbreak? What works, and what needs to be improved? What are the challenges? In this report, ClickMeeting conducted research among full-time employees, and we’re presenting the findings.


There is no doubt that history will remember 2020 as a year where everything turned upside down. The pandemic took us all by surprise and forced businesses, schools and universities, state institutions, and NGOs to make a rapid switch to online communication.

Even though e-learning or remote work weren’t anything new, and they have been a part of our landscape for the last several years, it was challenging to adapt to a lockdown reality overnight.

It enforced a fast transition to work, teach, and learn from home, requiring an immediate implementation of technology created for this kind of purpose. And this is where webinars and video conferencing platforms came to the rescue.


Online learning and working from home – Where we are right now

We were all overwhelmed that the way we work and learn changed. But as we are at the beginning of October, seven months after the “earthquake”, we want to get a brand-new overview of the situation.

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That’s why we carried out another survey that delivers answers from full-time professionals located mostly in the US and UK. We needed to examine the current situation in both cases – working from home and online learning.

Hence, we divided this report into two sections dedicated to each of the subjects. The findings from the survey help us answer the questions below:

  • Is the remote work model good enough, or does it require a different approach?

  • Is online education a well-deserved substitute for traditional education?

  • What are the challenges in both areas?


Are you ready? Let’s dive in!





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