3-Step Webinar Money-Maker for Service Providers

The simplicity of this technique makes it one we wanted to share with our readers. Designed for service providers, it requires very little extra preparation. Here are the easy steps . . .

If you already know how to fill up a webinar with ideal participants and design a presentation that wows your audience, you may be stuck on a question:

“How do you make money with a webinar?”

Here’s a simple way service professionals can convert prospects into paying customers.


Step One: Create a useful webinar

163271853Notice I didn’t say interesting or entertaining — although a webinar should be both of those things.

But beyond that, your webinar should give participants one or more useful ideas they can implement quickly and easily.


Step Two: Offer limited consultations

If your audience is like most, it’s a mix of do-it-yourselfers and those who prefer a bit of personalized advice.

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Those who prefer personalized advice need your help. So offer a one-hour consultation at a bargain rate.

How much is that? Well rates for consultants vary widely — from just a few bucks on the low end to many hundreds of dollars per hour.

So take your usual rate (or a rate that seems appropriate based on your industry and level of experience) and perhaps cut it in half.

Offer this bargain rate to a limited number of people on a first come, first served basis. How many spots? Depending on the size of your audience, maybe 3 to 10.

The goal of this step is to provide a low-cost, low-risk way for members of your audience to get a taste of the services you provide. At the same time, it enables you to get to know each other, while providing you with some immediate income.


Step Three: Prepare step-up offers

If your webinar is a success, the bargain spots will go quickly.166732297

For those who get there late and miss the opportunity, be ready with an alternative offer that’s not quite as sweet as the main offer, but still a bargain. Maybe 75% of your regular rates.

Then prepare a step-up offer for those who like the consultations they receive and want more in-depth advice or hands-on assistance.

This could take the form of an implementation plan for an all-inclusive fee. Or it could be ongoing services on a monthly retainer basis.


Tweaking the business model

You may need to try a few different offers, each in a separate webinar, to find out what works best.

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Remember that the lowest price is not always the one that sells. Your best prospects want the highest value, regardless of cost.

So don’t sell yourself short. Make sure your deal is one that gets your client excited — and you too.


Monetizing webinars

There are infinite ways to monetize your webinar — staying within the boundaries of the 102764927law and ethical conduct, of  course.

So put your creativity to work and develop a model that works for you.

And share your success stories in the comment section. We love hearing from you.

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