How You Can Benefit from Using Webinars While Building Your MLM Network

When your aim is to grow your MLM network quickly and effectively, you need reliable tools that will support you in this process. Are you aware of the numerous benefits using webinars to develop your network brings? In this article, we are going to take a look at the most important ones.


1. Get your message across to a wide audience

MLM networks can take different sizes. If you are responsible for a large network, with members scattered across the world, you will surely appreciate the fact that a webinar platform lets you gather them all at the same time, in one virtual “conference room” to share anything you need to share with them. ClickMeeting allows you to host meetings for up to 5,000 attendees. With mo money spent on plane tickets and accommodation, and no time wasted on travels.


2. Spark prospects’ interest

How to reach out to people who may be interested in becoming your partners, time and cost-effectively? With webinars, that’s pretty simple.

You can use them to present your business idea, company and products. You can set up a series of webinars presenting benefits joining your MLM business brings, mention current members’ success stories or even invite them to your online event as co-presenters to let attendees meet them.

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Webinar tools, e.g. the chat, let you communicate in real time, which makes it possible for participants to immediately ask any question they may have. The discussion mode within the webinar room allows your audience communicate openly. Attendees can also ask questions during a Q&A session after the webinar is over.

The video stream from the camera, slides, the whiteboard and the screen sharing option – all those tools can be used efficiently to spark your potential partners’ interest. The call to action button feature will allow you to redirect your prospects to the webpage, where they can join your downline.


3. Present your product

Webinars are a great tool when it comes to giving effective and engaging product presentations. You can use them both to present your product to the newcomers to your network and to update your current partners on new features that have recently been implemented.

Webinar tools will again support you in this task. Remember that according to research, four times as many people prefer to watch a video about a product than read its description. Your audience will appreciate the fact they can SEE how the product functions and LISTEN to your explanation instead of reading extensive documentation. With the webcam, slides, the screen sharing option and the virtual whiteboard you are able to create a stunning product presentation and host it live for thousands of people.


4. Educate your partners

Once you have a group of partners who are already after the initial phase, it is time to educate them. Make sure that they got all the information to start building their own structure without any doubts or concerns.

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Webinars conducted in the Listen Only mode are a perfect knowledge sharing tool. The moderated chat option will allow you to control the discussion in the chat box, so you can be sure that it will go in the right direction. And slides, videos and whiteboard features will come in handy here as well.

Run your educational webinars regularly to help your partners progress quickly. Record your online events and give access to the recordings to those who couldn’t attend live sessions.


5. Coach your partners

Make sure members of your MLM network have an opportunity to learn sales skills as well as practice soft and communication skills. To help them develop, run series of webinars to provide them with effective coaching and share some tips and tricks.

You do not have to limit yourself to be the only presenter. By giving the presenters’ rights to your attendees, you allow them to contribute and share their knowledge and insights. Also, you can invite an expert e.g. in communication or sales, to co-host your webinar with you and provide your partners with an even better learning experience.


6. Stay in touch and track progress

Webinars are a great way to stay in touch with your already independent partners. At this point, your only job is to navigate and motivate him. You can host weekly webinars, where you and your most independent partners will meet, share experiences and ideas. Those online events can be a great opportunity to make sure that everyone is motivated and progressing according to the plan.

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7. Get instant feedback

Since webinars allow you to communicate with your audience both in real time and after the event is over, you can gather feedback and information about your performance and what kind of additional information your audience might need in the future. It will let you provide your attendees with all the data they need to kickstart and develop their business.

To learn your participants’ opinion invite them to take part in a survey or get in touch with them via email after the webinar.



Webinars are a great tool to win new members to your MLM network, educate you partners and stay in touch with them. If you don’t want to wait any longer and set up your first online event, take a look at our pricing plans and choose the one that suits you.

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