10 Tips for Selling Products with Webinars Effectively

If you have never heard of a webinar, it would be surprising because they have been around for quite some time, and are immensely popular right now. A webinar is simply a seminar that is held online. It’s for anyone that has a message, product, software, service, or some type of expertise to convey to others. The webinar can be free, where you will pitch the audience regarding your product or service, or you can charge for attendance if you are an expert that is teaching something in a particular subject. Here are some great tips for conducting webinars that sell products in order to create a successful product launch.


Tip 1: Consider Sources for the Webinar Audience Carefully

The first step to a successful product sale with webinars is to have an audience. Of course, this is elementary, but what is critical is to have the right audience, meaning that they are targeted to your specific niche and what you are selling.

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Most people promote their webinars to an email list of subscribers that they have acquired through their sites, via blogging or social media. If you do not yet have such a list then you need to find others in the same niche who will promote you to their lists. Most marketers use affiliates for this, where they get a percentage of every sale you make from the webinar for promoting it for you.

Social media is a great venue for engaging audiences, look for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter ads, since these will be clicked only by interested parties, and this will create a targeted audience.


Tip 2: Create an Effective Webinar Registration Page

A clean and precise sales page is best, there should be no other content except a description of the webinar, which is easy to read with a bullet list of what is being offered and what one can expect to learn and gain. The problem that you will solve should be highlighted here.

Make sure to include a clear call to action to register for the webinar with an opt-in form clearly visible on the page.


Tip 3: Timing of the Webinar

An effective webinar that is selling a product normally should not last more than one hour. People are busy, and you really do not have much time to capture your audiences’ attention and make the sale. An hour is plenty of time to present your pitch and demonstrate the product in action. Make sure to leave a few minutes for questions and of course, leave enough time for the actual final pitch of the product to the audience.

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Tip 4: Add Social Media Sharing Buttons

Make sure to add social media buttons to different webinar elements. This is a great way to promote yourself and your product and to stir up more interest for your business.


Tip 5: Introduce Yourself

When the webinar first starts it’s important to introduce yourself, who you are and a little history of what you do that makes you qualified in the particular topic or niche. This will build rapport, and allow people to feel secure that you are someone they should like and trust.


Tip 6: Detail the Benefits

Following your introduction, take a few moments to go over what will be presented in the webinar, mention the problem here quickly and what the audience will learn. Remember that you want them to stick around to the end when you will pitch them for the sale, so it’s important to entice enough interest and urgency to make the audience wait for it.


Tip 7: Specify the Problem

Presentation of the problem is one of the most important elements of the webinar copy. This is where you get to introduce and show what the problem is, and it should be what your product will fix when you do introduce it later on in the pitch portion of the webinar.

Points That Should Be Made About the Problem

  • What It Is the Problem Define in detail the problem that needs to be resolved.
  • The Impact of the Problem Again, illustrate and discuss the impact that the problem has and the type of damage it can cause if it is not resolved, this will of course vary depending on your niche. If there are no alternatives to solving the problem other than with your solution, mention that too.
  • Pinpoint an Enemy – This is something to blame for the cause of the problem, the last thing you want to do is to put blame on the audience or in any way have them think that it’s their fault that the problem is occurring. Using terms, like, “it’s not your fault, it’s the fault of blank” will help to steer the blame towards the real culprit and then when you pitch the product you can make the connection for it being a solution.
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Tip 8: Give Them Your Best Secrets

It’s important to “wow” your audience, establish yourself as an expert while conducting the webinar and give them something they can use, this includes all your best tips, secrets, strategies, whatever applies to your niche, service or product.


Tip 9: Use Visuals

People learn and comprehend material visually much better than through listening, so make sure to include a lot of visuals in the main part of your presentation. If you’re product is software, show it in action.

You can use video, or slides, both of which are easily incorporated with the ClickMeeting platform, as well as desktop sharing that you can use to illustrate your points. Show how the product solves the problem discussed in the previous tip.

Illustrate real life example whenever possible so the audience sees it as something they must have.


Tip 10: Wrap It Up

Before sending them to the sales page, make sure you do a concise wrap up. Summarize the problem once again and detail the solution that you offer with your product. Now is a good time to mention the results that one can expect, and/or how their work will be easier, whatever points pertain to your particular product.

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