Why Coaching Businesses Absolutely Need Webinars

Webinars are sometimes perceived as just a marketing tool and they are a fantastic way to market a product and get a message across. However, webinars should not just be limited to marketing since they are useful in many other scenarios not the least of which are online coaching and training. In fact, any business involved in coaching absolutely needs to use webinars.


What are webinars?

Basically, webinars are online seminars. They involve video, slide presentations and feedback from the participants. They can be set up to include online polls, surveys and chat. It is also possible to distribute electronic documents to those in attendance. Webinars can be live or recorded.

Most businesses enjoy the interaction that webinars provide. Communication between presenters and participants in a virtual setting is perfect for any coaching business.

Why are webinars an absolute must for a coaching business?

Consider this, would you rather read a 5 to 20 page manual on how to do something, or watch a video demonstration? And, there is more…

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Provide excellent training

Webinars provide a way for a coaching business to excel at what it does. Research shows that people feel more comfortable learning in a virtual environment. The virtual space allows attendees to feel more relaxed and worry less. This instills confidence and speeds up the learning process. Even if the coaching is a one-to-one webinar, the participant will feel at ease and comfortable. Webinars also open up communication, allowing participants to express themselves freer. These are all essential aspects of excellent coaching.


More frequent, focused sessions

Webinars are easier to arrange and are more cost effective. This means that it is possible for coaches to arrange for more sessions. Frequent, short sessions help keep everyone focused on the training. It also reduces the chance of people forgetting or becoming ‘rusty’ in their skills. Gone are the days of long seminars which were crammed with information and slideshows.



It is easy to record webinars and then use them later. This makes your coaching so much more valuable. The possibilities are endless. For example, there could be certain coaching sessions which need to be repeated to new ones. You can save a lot of resources by showing the recorded webinar. Or it could be recording frequently asked questions. Answers to these could then be made available and watched as needed.


Provide links to other online resources

Webinars also allow coaches to provide links and information from other online sources. A person taking part in a webinar is already connected to the internet. Therefore, it is much easier to use online resources.

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Endless possibilities

Webinars are great for a variety of coaching purposes: coaching workshops, “how-to” presentations, coaching a large group of people, or giving individual instruction. They can also be used to coach on almost any subject matter.


More Interaction with trainees

Webinars are the perfect tool for allowing interaction with everyone being coached. Surveys and polls are excellent tools to gauge opinion and find out about problems. By using a chat system, it is possible for many to be communicating at the same time. Of course, this has to be one properly. For example, if the chat is busy, you could stop every so often and read out some of the chat.


Reduce costs

Every business has to think about its use of resources. Webinars are a great way to use resources in the best way possible. Before webinars coaching sessions involved a lot of travel. Either you would have to travel to the participants or vice versa. But, it is not just the cost of travel involved. Webinars are cheap to host and present. Businesses that have a global workforce can also enjoy the benefits of using webinars to coach. This allows businesses to unify it coaching and training to all participants.

In conclusion, whatever type of coaching business you are involved in, webinars can be a great asset. They can help you provide high quality, effective coaching. Because they are affordable and easy to set up, it is possible to coach and train a far wider audience than ever before. Get started today!

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