8 Ways to Save Time on Your Webinar Marketing Plan

Without marketing, even the best webinar will not generate awareness or profit. For that purpose, you need to invest all the focus and creativity in creating an efficient and attention-grabbing marketing strategy.

A thorough webinar marketing plan takes hours, if not days, to put together. Fortunately, a marketing team can do the task efficiently by following a few simple tips. These eight steps can be your secret weapon and save you the much appreciated time when putting together a webinar marketing plan.


1. Define Your Audience

It’s a waste of time to advertise to the wrong people. That is why you need to know where to direct your efforts when advertising. One of the ways to define your audience is to go through the list of your attendees. This will help you to have awareness of the number of people you will be refereeing to. Many webinar platforms will help you with this and provide you with the lists of attendees and non-attendees.

Make the most out of the lists by identifying demographics such as dominating gender of the audience and possibly the age groups.

To further shape the content according to the audience, you’ll want to create target listeners personas.

Think about several profiles that represent your audience and keep them in mind as your target audience. This will enable a more directed approach and help you to focus on your webinar plan.

Define your audience and make sure you have delivered it properly to your team. Having a clear picture of who you need to target will speed up the process and prevent a conflict of opinions.

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2. Think about the People on Your Mailing List

Keep in mind the people who are already on your mailing list – what do they need and want?

You have so many useful pieces of information on your hand, just know where to look for. The mailing list is one of those existing sources that can be of great help. They are a readymade source of data regarding your audience’s needs and desires and you should make the most of it.

Revising the people on your mailing list can be the source of useful information such as:

  • Demographics of your target audience
  • What their interests are (focus on their feedback)
  • What they dislike about the previous webinars
  • Their requests

It will be easier and less time-consuming to form a webinar marketing plan if you already have this information.


3. Use a Simple Landing Page Template

Use a good landing page template and keep it simple to save time. If you opt for some grand options they will take up your time and can confuse the audience. The purpose of the landing page is to provide all the important information about the webinar, engage the audience, and encourage them to register for your webinar.

There is no need for over-the-top graphics and confusing essay-like content. Keep it short and sweet.

Make sure that your landing page is optimized and has all the essentials:

  • Information about what you’re going to talk about and what they can learn from it (that is, how this can help solve the problem they’re having)
  • The date and time of the webinar
  • The speakers who will be participating
  • A form where they can register


4. Email Sequence

Think about your customer’s journey, and put together an email sequence. This will save time because you won’t have to write each one as you go along. Here is a suggested baseline but feel free to alter it so that it fits your email database.

Invite (2 weeks before) – The content should be similar to the landing page. This lets your recipients know you’re having a webinar and give them all the important information. Make sure all the necessary information is present, such as what the webinar is about when it is, and provide an easy way to register.

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Reminder – Send the reminders before your webinar to remind your registrants that it’s about to happen. Inside each of those emails, you should include the date, time, and the link for your webinar room. We suggest that you send two reminders:

  • First reminder (1 week before) – break this email into two separate emails sent to 1) people who clicked on your last email but did not register, and 2) people who did not click on your last email at all. Both emails should remind the recipient of the webinar but also ask for some feedback on why they haven’t registered yet.
  • Second reminder (1 day before) – this should be the last reminder you sent just to give them a heads up and refresh their memory about the time and place.

Thank-you email (1 day after) – This should be a short confirmation email thanking them for registering for the webinar. You can also include dates, times, and links for your webinar room.

A feedback request (3-5 days after) –Send a survey or feedback email to anyone who attended your webinar. This will help you to improve your content and stay connected with your audience. If they offer up some praise, reply to them and ask if you can use that testimonial for future webinars.


5. Automate the Above Sequence

There is no need to send the above-mentioned emails one by one when there is technology to give you a helping hand.

An automatic email campaign is set up once. Then it is automatically sent to a particular individual when that person meets a certain trigger.

Most email marketing tools have an API that you can connect to, and sync whatever data you need to make your automated emails work.

Creating the automated sending process for your emails will give you more time to focus on pulling together the best webinar for your audience.


6. Take Advantage of the Feedback

Using feedback will help you plan a better webinar next time, and help you understand what to emphasize in your marketing communications. It’s a quick form of research.

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Attain feedback from the email responses and surveys you get from the previously sent automated emails.

You can also ask the attendees to leave some feedback on their way out. Besides providing you with much-needed information, this also shows your audience that you appreciate their opinion.


7. Partner Up with Influencers

We are all familiar with the power of influencers. Why shouldn’t you take advantage of that?

Save the time by applying this influencer marketing strategy.

Ask influencers to help you tell others about the webinar via their website/social media platforms.

Make sure that you target influencers whose audience has similar interests as your audience. Use tools such as Ninja Outreach or Buzzsumo to find and reach influencers. To make it easy for them to share, you can even pre-write the messages and just embed the share button within the email.

In order to get the influencer to agree on the cooperation, you can create an affiliate program. Consider giving a part of the profits generated when a referred attendee purchases the product promoted at the end of the webinar.


8. Schedule Social Media Posts

Save the time by scheduling social media posts about the webinar in advance.

There is no need to think about what, when, and where you need to publish on social media when you can simply use tools which can help you to schedule your social media posts.

Schedule posts for all of your social accounts at once and publish them automatically, according to the posting schedule you put in place.

Some of the tools you can use for this purpose are Buffer, SocialBakers, MeetEdgar, and SproutSocial.

Take into account time differences if you have an international audience.


Final Thoughts

With these tips and tricks in mind, you should be ready to put together your webinar marketing plan and save some valuable time. Make the most out of social media, good email strategy, clear and concise landing page, and valuable information from your audience to make this happen.

So what are you waiting for? Apply these tips, save time, and focus on pulling together the best webinar marketing plan.


Author’s bio.

Daniela McVicker is a passionate digital marketer. Daniela is interested in everything related to SEO and blogging. She collaborates with Top Writers Review and other websites where she shares her experience and helps marketers make their name in the online world.

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