Keys and lock the door on the background of solar garden

How To Use Webinars In The Real Estate Industry

Some of us old timers still remember the days when in order to spread the word about our business, or to engage or even educate customers we had to send salesmen to knock on doors, hang brochures on people’s door knobs and car windows and/or cold call everyone in town. Thankfully, these tedious and labor intensive techniques have become very outdated with the invention of the Internet, and along with it a magical tool called the webinar, which is simply an online seminar.

Remember the days when a group of people had to gather in a hotel conference room to hear a presentation? This is no longer necessary, thanks to webinars. People from all over the world can meet in a virtual space and be educated, sold to and engaged via a cost effective and streamlined method that offers optimal reach.

Did you know that there are more than 3 billion daily searches online, just on Google alone every single day? That is how many spend time on the Internet, so why wouldn’t every industry take advantage of this unlimited reach possibility, and especially the Real Estate business that thrives on customer relationships?


How Webinars Serve the Real Estate Business

For the most part, all aspects of the Real Estate business, such as buying, selling and mortgage lending have to some extent an element of trust and reliability that needs to be established in order to gain the confidence of potential customers. Those that want to buy or sell a home need to be sure the realtor knows the rules, regulations and how to properly assist in the process of home sales.

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Additionally, those who are borrowing a mortgage loan also need to be sure the lender is knowledgeable, reliable, honest and trustworthy, especially since the process can be quite complicated and foreign to most of the population. This brings us to the other main aspect of the usefulness of webinars in serving the Real Estate industry and that is to create presentations that can be of use in explaining the various complex procedures of housing to a Real Estate target audience. This will include buyers, sellers and borrowers.


Ideas For Real Estate Webinars

There are many topics in Real Estate that can be used to create webinars as a way to entice new business and also help support existing clients.


For Realtors

Every smart realtor has a website, whether they are independent and have their own site, or, if they work for an agency and have a dedicated page on the agency site. A website is valuable real estate, excuse the pun, which should be not be squandered as it is the ideal place to attract new business though the hosting of various recorded webinar archives. When traffic comes to the site they will appreciate all the useful information and it will greatly enhance and illustrate the level of expertise of the Real Estate agent, which adds trust and confidence in their competence.


Webinar Planning For Real Estate Agents

Prior to launching a webinar, it’s important to consider its goals. For example, do you want to target buyers or sellers? Residential or commercial? All of the above? Once that is decided there are various topics that will be ideal to present in webinar form. Webinar platforms or services offer features that are ideal to present complex topics in easy to understand ways, and also to create stunning visual presentations that are perfect in the Real Estate niche. The use of slides, images and videos can illustrate to the audience the steps involved in many relevant topics that otherwise would fall flat when presented in text or voice only.

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For example, in a “How To Stage A Home” presentation, images of staged versus un-staged can really show the difference and how it can facilitate a faster sale to a home seller audience.

Consider These Topics For A Real Estate Agent Website

  • Steps In The Home Buying Process
  • Steps In The Home Sales Process
  • Preparing For Your First Open House
  • What Qualifications Should You Look For In A Competent Real Estate Agent
  • Buying Investment Property For The First Time
  • How Property Taxes Play A Role In Budgeting For Home Ownership
  • Solutions To First Time Home Buyer Stress
  • Buying A Home – Assessing the Market And Locating Gems
  • How To Budget In Mortgage Payments
  • Buying A Home Within Your Budget
  • Tips For Buying Your First Home
  • How To Evaluate The Quality Of A Home
  • Selling Your First Home 101
  • How To Stage Your Home To Sell
  • Reasons Your Home Is Sitting On The Market Unsold
  • Buying Commercial Property 101
  • How Clutter In Your Home Will Deter Buyers


Webinar Planning For Mortgage Lenders

Mortgage lending is a complicated process filled with rules, regulations and requirements, most of which is gibberish to a lot of people. It is incredibly important for the average buyer looking to fund a home sale to have a qualified and trustworthy lender who will not only take all the necessary steps to make the loan process run smoothly, but will also be sensitive to the needs of the borrower in explaining clearly what to expect.

Webinars created on various topics in mortgage lending can be of great assistance to ensure buyers that the lender knows what he’s doing and also to just be helpful in explaining the complicated process that it is.

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Ideas for Mortgage Lending Webinars

  • What To Expect In The Process Of The Mortgage Application
  • Understanding The Differences In Interest Rate Plans: Fixed Versus Variable Rates
  • 10, 20 and 30 Year Mortgages – What’s The Difference?
  • How To Deal With The Denial Of A Mortgage Loan
  • Banks Versus Private Lenders For Home Mortgages
  • What Is Required To Be Approved For A Mortgage Loan
  • Financial Planning For Buying Your First Home
  • Federal Regulations Of Mortgage Lending and How It Affects You


Final Thoughts

As you can see the Real Estate business is the perfect stage from which to conduct useful, helpful and valuable webinars. Focusing on a target audience, offering accurate, detailed and useful information can go a long way to converting simple leads into grateful life-long customers.

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