How Webinars Can Benefit An Ecommerce Website

It’s safe to say that every industry uses webinars in some form or fashion. Whether to conduct cross-country meetings or extend your customer reach by hundreds or even thousands at a time, webinars have many uses in today’s professional arena. One of the most common reasons to engage in this communication medium? It can drastically help you boost sales, especially if you’re running an Ecommerce website.

Without a traditional brick and mortar, it can be difficult to interact and connect with your customer base. Sending newsletters or weekly promotions is great, but without putting a face to a name or feeling like you’ve made some sort of human connection with the merchant, a customer is less likely to keep a long term purchasing relationship with you. A webinar is the perfect way to communicate with your customers.

They’ll see that there are real people behind your brand and will be able to connect with you on a more personal level. To boot, you’ll be able to talk about your product in a way that just doesn’t always translate to print. Keep reading for several ways that webinars can help your Ecommerce website.

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New Customer Demonstrations

Depending on what type of products or services you sell, new customers may not be 100% sure on how to best utilize them. Developing webinars is a fantastic way to not only give hands-on demonstrations to your customers, but also to put a personal touch to your brand. For example, Lush Cosmetics, a cosmetics retailer located in the United Kingdom, used webinars to show customers without a physical location nearby how to use their products. The videos were later used to create a YouTube channel and are a little like potato chips, one isn’t enough. Before you know it you’ve bounced through several about products you don’t even own, but, maybe now you will?


Brand Awareness

If you’re a relatively new organization and need to build your customer base, an excellent way to create brand awareness it to hop on the coat tails of a non-competing product that complements your own or vice versa. Choose one that already has a large following of loyal customers and ask to be a contributing presenter on their next webinar. You’ll tap into an audience you may not have ever reached on your own. To drive even more traffic to your website, propose to your partner company that you make this a two-part series with the second webinar being hosted from your site! It’s a great way to guide potential customers in your direction so they can see your website for themselves.


Customer Retention

A huge misconception about the sales process is that making the initial sale is the hardest part. Au contraire. Keeping a customer is not only the most difficult but also the most important component in keeping your business flourishing. Webinars make it possible to nurture your customers from afar. Keeping them informed and being available on a regular basis to answer questions is of paramount importance.

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This is especially true if your product is a service. As the customer’s situation changes, maybe they’re working on their own business, so does what they’re looking to gain from your services. Being available to support and answer any questions that may arise will ultimately make you an authority in their eyes and keep them coming back for more.


Provide Added Value

An obvious way to make extra cash from your webinars is to charge for them. This isn’t a bad idea, but, providing them for free only to members of your website or paying customers and charging everyone else is a value added component they’ll appreciate. It establishes the perception that the offer is exclusive and as a paying customer, they’re getting more value from their purchase than they would have elsewhere.

It’s also an effective way to introduce new products before releasing to the masses. The customer will be receiving the information before anyone else, which creates a sense of urgency to buy now before the offer is open to the public.


Bottom Line

eCommerce like any online business depends on a steady flow of well converting traffic in order to sustain and improve their bottom line. There are many online marketing options for ecommerce sites, including social media, blogging, content marketing, email marketing but webinars should never be overlooked as an essential element of marketing online.

Your customers will appreciate any value that you offer them, and webinars allow you to provide such value in various and effective ways to wow your customers and keep them coming back!

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