[Guest Post] 5 Creative Tips to Promote Your Next Webinar

A successful webinar takes planning, creativity, and preparation. It can take your business to the next level with average audience conversion rates, so your goal should be to increase your audience size for even better growth potential. In order to reach as many people as possible, implementing a strategy for successful video and webinar marketing is key.

Here are some helpful and creative audio-visual promotion tips that will help to grow your next event’s attendance.


Blog About Your Webinar Topic Beforehand

One of the most effective ways to get create buzz around your webinar to get create buzz around your webinar topic is by generating content beforehand. Grab your audience’s attention and give them a taste of what you will be sharing in your webinar by writing blog posts related to your topic.

Tell your audience why they do not want to miss out on your webinar by stating why it is relevant to them or by introducing them to the speakers. Your posts don’t have to be entirely promotional and sales-y to work; simply provide some insightful information and include a call to action for your readers to attend the webinar.

Blogging is a guaranteed way to increase organic traffic to your site, especially if your site generates posts consistently. In order to draw readers to your blog posts, you absolutely need to research keywords beforehand. Check out what words draw the most traffic that directly relate to your topic and integrate them into your content marketing strategy.

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SEMrush’s Content Template tool can help business owners as well as marketers identify the right keywords and semantics that work best for the industry in question. It can also help you choose the platforms to target and nail down the ideal content length.


Livestream to Promote Your Webinar

Livestreaming is an inventive way to really create an engaging and exciting experience with your audience. Live content is quickly becoming the preferred form of brand engagement: in fact, 80% of audiences prefer it to reading articles or browsing social media posts. Audiences love interacting instantly by sending comments, likes, or questions while watching the video.

Live streaming to promote your webinar is an innovative way to give your audience a taste of what’s to come. Facebook Live, Twitter Periscope, and Instagram live offer unique features, such as notifying your followers when you go live or recording the live stream so it can be viewed after the session ends. Decide which site will work best for your marketing goals, or try going live on several accounts to make sure you reach your entire audience.


Consider Partnering with Another Brand

Partnering with another company in your industry can be mutually beneficial; each brand brings their own expertise to the table, and it allows you to combine your existing audiences. One option for a fledgling startup is to partner with larger or established firms so as to have a greater sense of stability as the startup grows.

Some strategies for cross-promoting your brand along with your partner can include:

  • Doing a joint webinar series
  • Co-producing a newsletter
  • Promoting each other’s posts on social media
  • Co-sponsoring a good cause
  • Posting on each other’s blog
  • Running special deals with each other’s products
  • Using each other’s assets, such as IT or marketing resources
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Streamlining the communication process will help marketing, sales and customer support teams work together and promote your brand in such a way as to garner maximum reach with minimum resources used.


Promote Your Webinar on LinkedIn

Tap into one of the best business marketing social media tools by promoting your webinar through LinkedIn. According to a study, B2B marketers credit LinkedIn for 80% of their leads and nearly half of their web traffic.

In order to tap into a larger professional audience, you need to be strategic with your marketing. Join professional groups where your content will be relevant, include links in your posts, and contact LinkedIn group leaders. Depending on your budget, you may want to consider purchasing a sponsored ad to hyper-target professionals.

Of course, when you are sharing your blog and live-stream content, don’t forget to share it through LinkedIn. 40% of LinkedIn Members check the site on a daily basis, and it is by far the strongest lead generator social media – it leads the competition by a whopping 277%!


Follow Up with a Podcast

Over 42 million Americans listen to a podcast every week, which makes it a great way to build a loyal audience. Podcasts provide entertainment and build a connection with your audience in a more personal and authentic way. If your business has a podcast already, be sure to mention your webinar on your episodes. You may want to consider offering a discount code or special offer to podcast listeners to really help boost attendance.

If you don’t have a podcast currently, or you want to widen your reach, connect with other podcasts in your industry. Do your research beforehand to find podcasts with large audiences that you want to target. Then contact them to ask if your company could be featured on their podcast, or if they are interested in interviewing your speakers. You can also pay for a sponsored ad or mention in their next episode.

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In Conclusion

Putting together a webinar to market your business offers a truly unique way to share content to a wide-spread audience. Webinars are quickly becoming one of the best tools to use in marketing. While there is a ton of planning and effort that goes on beforehand, producing a webinar is not rocket science. With good organization and preparation, the show will go on without a hitch. Effectively promote your next webinar through multiple channels with some creative strategies, and your audience attendance is sure to grow.


Guest Author Bio

Pratik Dholakiya is the founder of Growfusely, a content marketing agency specializing in content and data-driven SEO. He regularly speaks at various conferences about SEO, Content Marketing, and Entrepreneurship. Pratik has spoken at the 80th Annual Conference of the Florida Public Relations Association, Accounting and Finance Show, Singapore, NextBigWhat’s UnPluggd, IIT-Bombay, SMX Israel, SEMrush Meetup, MICA, IIT-Roorkee, and other major events. As a passionate SEO and content marketer, he shares his thoughts and knowledge in publications like Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, The Next Web, YourStory, and Inc42, to name a few. He can be found at Twitter @DholakiyaPratik

5 Creative Tips to Promote Your Next Webinar
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5 Creative Tips to Promote Your Next Webinar
Here are some helpful and creative audio-visual promotion tips that will help to grow your next event’s attendance.
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