Why Use Webinars To Create Successful Compliance Trainings

Let’s assume new legal regulations are about to be introduced in your industry. Or members of your staff have to get a professional certification to be allowed to keep on working in their positions. Whatever the reason, you are now facing a challenge – how to create an effective compliance training without disrupting your staff work and spending a fortune. In this post, we will show you why webinars may be your best answer.


Host a remote training

If you are supposed to give a compliance training to employees based in different locations, gathering them in one place would be an awful waste of time and money. Instead, invite them all to a webinar. All they need to participate is a computer or a mobile device and access to the Internet.

You will also save money on travel expenses and accommodation for your trainers – they can run the presentation from their own location.


Don’t be limited by your conference room capacity

If your team is big, squeezing them all into a conference room or organizing several training sessions for smaller groups will not be the best idea. Host a webinar instead! Everyone will take part in it without leaving their desks or homes.

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You may have heard that a limited number of attendees can be invited to a webinar. Well, good webinar solution providers let you run online events for hundreds and even thousands of people.


Spice up a boring training

Many compliance training topics are not very interesting. The fact that they are obligatory makes it even harder to engage participants. With webinars, you have an opportunity to host a much more attractive event. Include different teaching resources in a single training module, for instance, slides (make sure they are clear and visually attractive) and films (showing e.g. how to safely use office equipment). Use your camera and microphone to talk to attendees and answer their questions live on chat or during the Q&A session.


Use tests to check attendees’ knowledge

Sometimes a compliance training requires that participants pass the final test. With webinars, organizing such a test is an easy task. Simply use the polls and surveys feature some platforms provide. Prepare your test before the webinar, invite attendees to take it at the end of the event and immediately check the results.


Record your webinar and use it whenever you need

A compliance training may have to be run on a regular basis. If e.g. you teach workplace health and safety rules to newbies the contents of your course don’t change. Prepare an engaging webinar training, record it using the tool provided in your webinar platform and use it every time a new employee is hired. In this way, you save plenty of time, especially if people at your company come and go and you need to provide the training very often.

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If you want to create an engaging and cost-effective compliance training, go for webinars . They give you more options than an e-learning platform and are a perfect solution when you need to train a large number of attendees. A webinar lets you present not a very gripping but compulsory topic in an attractive way.

Hope you got inspired by the above. Which compliance trainings can you give to your staff as webinars? Leave a comment and share your ideas.

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