Publish On-demand Webinars & Start Your Vacation Now

Your summer vacation is just around the corner. And your webinar business is on a roll. While everybody and their dogs are talking about exploring the world, you’re wondering how to find a balance between your vacation and your webinar activity. After all, who wouldn’t want to generate revenue while on vacation? It’s an exciting vision, but how can you achieve it? Discover the power of on-demand webinars.


What are on-demand webinars?

To make it short and sweet – it’s a great solution for planning ahead on your webinars. You simply record a webinar, and then send access to the recording to your loyal business partners, or potential future clients. As soon as you send them access, they can watch your event anytime and anywhere they want to.


Record, Publish, Send – and enjoy your vacation!

Yes, it’s that simple! If you wish to unwind on a fabulous 3-week trip, your business plans don’t have to suffer. With on-demand webinars, you can record several events in advance and publish them before you start to pack your suitcase. Can you imagine yourself sun-bathing peacefully because your webinars are set up and ready to go?

Once published and shared, your pre-recorded webinars will work for you, and you can enjoy the beauty of your vacation. Picture yourself conquering stunning mountains, swimming in the ocean, or falling in love with awesome leisure & Spa sites! Take some time off and remember that webinar content does the job for you. Sound like a plan?

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Scale up your business with on-demand webinars

You’ve worked hard for this. Establishing yourself as an expert, building and growing your lead base, nurturing business relationships, and stabilizing your income – it all took time and effort, but it was worth it! You have chosen a high-quality and agile webinar platform, and now you can see the effects.

Where should you go from here? Don’t hesitate to expand. Earning money based on time spent and work done on the job is a solid base, but now you can go beyond. Try on-demand webinars and scale up your business. Share your pre-recorded events on social media and show up on your leads’ desktops. They will leave their e-mail addresses in exchange for the webinar access, and you will grow your audience. And guess what? It can all happen while you breathe in your freedom on the hammock under a palm tree.


Webinar on the road

Scaling up your business and running webinars on your vacations – it’s all closer than ever before. How can you get there? All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Choose ClickMeeting as your webinar platform
  • Choose a dream vacation destination
  • Upgrade your account
  • Book your tickets
  • Choose high-value content to produce a webinar that your audience will love
  • Choose a nice place to stay
  • Record a webinar
  • Plan your vacation activities
  • Publish recorded webinar
  • Do the laundry, go shopping
  • Send the webinar access to your attendees and your contacts
  • Pack your suitcase
  • Share & promote it on your social media channels
  • Take a shower, get dressed, grab your stuff, close your doors and start your vacation 🙂
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Ready to start? Log in or buy your account today! If you’re not a ClickMeeting user yet, use our 30-day free trial, no credit card required!


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