How to Avoid Sounding Biased in Product Demos

Whether you are promoting your own products or as an affiliate, there is a thin line between being genuine in your presentation and sounding biased. According to the TrustRadius B2B Buying Disconnect study, buyers appreciate unbiased and balanced perspectives.

Being honest and sincere when marketing products mean satisfying the needs of your audience, and in the long run, unbiased marketing wins respect, builds loyalty, and can boost sales.

The truth is, if your product is good, and you have an excellent platform such as a webinar to show its value, you do not need to over sell.

On the other hand, when your marketing message sounds biased, and overly hyped, especially when the product or service doesn’t live up to the hype, your audience can tell, and not only can your sales suffer, it can have a negative impact on your reputation by making you less trustworthy.

How can you maximize the impact of your marketing strategy by avoiding bias in your message?


Avoid exaggerated claims

For example, it’s not uncommon in the weight loss industry for consumers to see promises of massive weight loss in a very short time without any effort by simply taking some miracle pill without the need for diet and exercise.

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To avoid sounding biased when promoting your products, there are certain trigger words that are a definite “no-no.” Some of these are:

  • The absolute best…
  • The most fantastic…
  • Save $1,000s if you use…
  • Never have to work again if you…
  • The only “product” you will ever need
  • We blow our competitors away

Unless unbiased research has proven these types of claims about your product, you should avoid using them in your promotions.


Don’t distort facts

It could be tempting to use unsubstantiated facts about the quality of the product to boost sales, but you should avoid misleading potential customers.

For example, many health products claim that their products are sugar-free when in reality various types of sugar are hidden in the ingredients.


Don’t be biased towards your own products

Remember, that your customers want to make informed decisions on the products and services they buy. So, avoid the temptation to exploit the negative sides of your competitors’ products while highly praising your own.

This type of bias does little to attract trust, and in fact may have the opposite effect.

Of course, comparing products is part of marketing and it’s what gives you your unique selling proposition, but this should always be done in a factual and more objective way so that your potential buyers clearly see how your product is different from others and the specific benefits it offers them.


Avoid stereotypes

Do not use stereotypes when demonstrating your products. Although it may seem like an effective marketing strategy, you could end up alienating part of your audience.

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Some common stereotypes used in marketing industry are that women are mainly motivated by childcare, cleaning, and cooking and that men are the “breadwinners” in the family.

Another form of biased marketing is using sex symbols for advertising. While it may attract the attention of some people, using scantily clad women to promote your product will only cheapen the quality of your product in the eyes of your audience.

Of course, there is a thin line between demographic marketing and stereotype marketing. Therefore, if you are planning to promote your product to a specific demographic group, you need to do through research first. This way you can come up with the best kind of promotional messages for your targeted customers.



Keeping the bias out of your marketing message is an important consideration in smart marketing. Consider the tips above when creating your promotional webinar and you may find that your sales and customer retention improve.

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