[Infographic] The Video Revolution in Education and Training

Is your organization struggling with the cost of education and training? You’re not alone. Education costs have grown to $1.4 trillion in the U.S. alone — and still rising. Today’s educators are flocking to online solutions with great results: an average 40% reduction in costs. Our new infographic reveals the trends and leads to an inescapable conclusion. The videoconferencing revolution has begun.


You may remember your college days as a succession of classrooms and lecture halls. Today, 1 in 3 students will attend a virtual classroom in the coming academic year.

And if corporate training makes you think of a dull Powerpoint lecture in a crowded, uncomfortable training classroom, think again. Almost all HR professionals (91% of respondents) say they’re planning to increase virtual training.

Today, 99% of students have AT LEAST one mobile device, so education can take place anywhere, anytime. Already, 41% of respondents say they’ve attended school-related activities using a laptop or mobile device.

Our new infographic gives you the entire picture, with statistics to back it up.

See also  ELSA Video Case Study: How to Get from Online Meetings to an Education Platform


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