[Infographic] Telecommuting: The New Workplace Reality

Telecommuting is scary for some managers. It implies loss of control and reduced productivity. But a new survey by Global Workplace Analytics reveals a different reality. We’ve summarized the facts for you in our new infographic. Get ready to have your assumptions challenged.


Telecommuting is no longer a fringe idea. Today an astonishing 80% of U.S. offices allow telecommuting.

About half of telecommuters work from home only once a week. But 3.3 million Americans work primarily from home.



If you’re considering starting a telecommuting program, you may need to make some basic investments. Approximately 92% of home-based workers use a laptop provided by their employer.



About 36% of employees use videoconferencing hardware or software. But the rising trend is for web-based video conferencing, with and amazing 75% of workers using these solutions.



Home-based doesn’t necessarily mean confined to the home. Telecommuters may spend part of their day on the road visiting clients or supplier. So rather than installing a landline in their home, 75% of telecommuters use their personal smartphone or one provided by their employer.

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And what of the fear of lost productivity, due to personal errands, family distractions, and just plain goofing-off? Statistics show that telecommuters are more efficient, less, stressed, and less likely to call in sick or take personal days off. And the boost in morale makes employee retention easier.



As competition for qualified workers heats up, more and more employers are embracing telecommuting. In case you’re still on the fence, we thought you’d like to get the facts. Let us know your thoughts.

Flexible Working infographic

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