Changing People’s Lives with Inspirational Webinars

OK, so you know of a way to make people’s life more meaningful and happy, and you’re sharing that knowledge with them. You write a blog or do a podcast on topics such as health and diet, positive thinking, day-to-day productivity or lifehacking. Maybe you’re even a coach, or a lifestyle entrepreneur. Did you know that you can also evangelize with webinars? There are many ways webinars can help you spread the word. Here are the three most important ones.


Wider Reach

Webinars happen online so anyone with the internet connection can join them. It means that you can reach thousands of people across the globe at the same time – something you will never be able to achieve in real world.
You can customize your webinar to suit the needs of a particular audience. Then you can target that audience efficiently using e. g. social media ads.
Also, webinars are on the rise but they’re not as common as blogs or podcasts yet, so hosting them is a great way of standing out from the crowd. With webinars it will be easier for you to get noticed.

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Greater Impact

Blogs, articles and books of course can be very inspiring. If you write them to reach people with your inspirational message – that’s great. But formulating this message in speech, delivering it live and presenting it with additional visual contents is a different story.
For people it’s easier to watch and listen than it is to read. Webinars allow you to use your voice modulation, body language and a variety of tools (slides, images, video, desktop sharing etc.) to illustrate your words. Add to it live interaction with the audience (via moderated chat, Q&A, polling etc.) and you’ve got yourself a perfect inspirational machine.


Human Connection

In webinars you get to interact with people. It’s not a one way communication. You can engage your attendees with multimedia, polls and surveys, live Q&A. They can ask you direct questions and get instant answers – something that a blog post cannot offer.
Staying personal and creating conversations with your audience will give them the chance to feel the part of your event. Not only will it make your message more authentic and yourself trustworthy, but also it will translate into generating more interest in your message. Webinars will help you build a solid crowd of followers and – if what you do is actually a business venture – generate more leads.



Whatever it is that you’re evangelizing, take it to the next level with webinars. Inspire people in live online events and make them change their habits, follow their dreams and make their life more meaningful. Webinars are one of the best tools to help you achieve that.

See also  How to Establish Expertise and Become an Influencer with Webinars
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