Closeup of hands of young man explaining business plan to colleagues. Creative people meeting in conference room.

Is Your Message Genuine? Your Audience Can Tell

For your webinar presentation to have the greatest impact on your audience, your message has to be genuine. A message that comes across as too well rehearsed or sloppy will fail to motivate your audience into action.


Two Challenges In Making Your Webinar Message Sound Genuine

When you present your message in a confident and authentic manner, your audience can tell that your message is genuine. However, very often nerves, anxiety, or a lack of preparation can undermine your genuineness.

One way to prevent nerves getting the better of you during your webinar presentation is to rehearse. However, rehearsing also has its pitfalls. If you over rehearse, your message may come off as too calculated and overly precise, which runs the risk of coming across as an emotionless robot. The key is to find the perfect balance between total understanding of the material and the actual confidence in yourself in its presentation.

In addition, since the webinar takes place in a virtual setting, it may be easy to forget that the audience is human, but they are and this means they can easily tell if your message is genuine or not.

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Here are the 4 ways to make your webinar message sound genuine to your audience.


1. Be Open with Your Audience

Coming across as open when delivering a webinar to a large audience is an art form. Anxiety can make you think too much about your own feelings, which can give your audience the impression that you are closed off and/or defensive.

To become more open with your audience, it’s important to rehearse your presentation in front of a person with whom you feel at ease, such as a colleague or friend.


2. Connect with Your Audience

Once you can picture yourself talking openly, it will put you in a much better position to connect with your audience. Use a topical outline for speaking. Avoid the temptation to write down your presentation verbatim. Reading word for word strips emotion from your presentation and may cause you to stumble if you lose your place.

An outline should contain the main points of your presentation and help you to recall your ideas. A presentation that is spoken from an outline will be more conversational and have a greater impact on your audience.


3. Be Passionate About Your Product

You should never fake feelings about your product or service, as any signs or underlying messages that you’re not sincere will be quickly noticed by your audience.

Think about how your product benefits your audience, but don’t be overly hyped. According to a recent survey, the best types of product marketing webinars were those that illustrated value to perspective buyers as opposed to those that featured overly hyped statements.

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After all, this is a webinar, and more often than not you can show better than you can tell, since you have features such as screen sharing, PowerPoint, video, images and more.


4. Listen to Your Audience

Take advantage of personal interaction time. That same TrustRadius Survey found that while buyers remain somewhat skeptical of vendor claims, they still make purchases when there are personalized interactions with the vendor. The Q&A allows the audience to get to know you, the face of the brand, and to explore any concerns or questions they may have about the product or service you may be promoting.

Your Q&A session also allows you to demonstrate your genuineness and willingness to listen to your audience.


Final Thoughts

The above considerations are very important as part of an overall smart marketing strategy, which will allow you to build a solid brand that not only claims to care about customers, but truly does. It will also help you make your message come across to the audience as genuine.

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