4 Indications That Your Webinar Was a Success

Webinars are becoming one of the most powerful marketing tools that businesses can use to engage with a wider audience. Even though webinars are a much more cost-effective way to market your product and services, every marketer still has to adhere to strict budgets to reach their goals. This means that it is becoming ever more important to know how to measure the success of each webinar.

Obviously, the success of each webinar will greatly depend on its specific goal. For example, if a webinar had the goal of expanding its customer base and 1,000s of people attended the webinar, which would be classed as a great success. However, let us say that a sales webinar had the same amount of attendees but its main goal was to sell to 30% of attendees. However, if only a handful of people bought the product that could hardly be called a success.

There are, however, many indications that your webinar was a success. Here are the top 4 ways to know if your online presentation hit the mark or not. These indicators can also help you identify ways to tweak your webinars to boost their future successes.

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1. Lead Generation

Lead generation measures the amount of people who came to your registration page and were interested enough to sign up and leave their email address.

Once your webinar is over, you can analyze the number of people clicked through from the registration page. If the percentage is high, you can be sure that your webinar was a success. Therefore, lead generation is a sure indication of the success of your webinar. In fact, in some ways, this is more important than the number of attendees.

For example, even if you have 100s of attendees, if a large percentage of visitors to your registration page never signed up, it shows that there could be an issue with the message you promote and your webinar could have been more successful.

If you notice that your click-through-rate is lower than 25%, you should look at tweaking your registration-landing page to make sure that it is engaging enough for your audience to sign up and this will boost the success of your next webinar.


2. Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is a great way to measure the success of your webinar. In the end, whether you have many attending your webinar or just a few, you want to make sure that they are engaged throughout the presentation.

There are many ways that customer engagement can indicate the success of your webinar.



Polls are an excellent way to gauge your webinar’s success. In fact, well-throughout polls can increase audience participation and make your webinar even more successful. If a high percentage of attendees take part in the poll, you know that your webinar was a success.

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Drop-off rate

After your webinar, you can see how many of your audience stayed until the end of the presentation. If most stayed until the end, you can be sure that the webinar was a resounding success. However, if you had a large drop-off rate, you can use this figure to analyze what it was in the presentation that turned people off. In fact, you can even see if there was a trigger for the drop-off or was it gradual. Use this information to tweak your presentation for next webinar.


Q&A Session

Another indication if your webinar was a success is the number of attendees who participated in the Q&A session. As with polls, arranging for a Q&A in every webinar is a great way to engage with our audience on a personal level. If you have an enthusiastic response from your audience, then you know that your webinar will be remembered as a great achievement.


3. Post-webinar sales

If you are hosting a sales webinar, your success will ultimately depend on the number of conversions in relation to attendees that you made during or just after the webinar.

If you made 25 sales during your webinar and you had 200 in attendance, then that is a conversion rate of 12.5%, which is very impressive. However, if you had 2,000 attend your event and made the same number of sales, then a conversion rate of only 1.25% is hardly a success.

It’s very important to look at the conversion rate of your sales webinars to see how to build on the success that you have already obtained or what you can tweak to make your sales pitch more effective.

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4. Post-webinar surveys

After your webinar, it is important to follow-up with information that was learned during the event and to collect more information. You can also ask the attendees what their expectations were of the event and if those expectations were met. This can give you valuable insight into planning your next successful event.

If you have many replies from your follow-up survey, then this is a strong indication that the event was a success. You can then nurture the interest that you have received to build anticipation for your next successful webinar.

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