Solveta Case Study: How ClickMeeting Supports Solveta in Daily Work

A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth a thousand pictures. That’s a million reasons why you absolutely need explainer videos! A billion such videos are now viewed every day on YouTube alone. However, the easier you want to explain something, the harder it becomes: What is important and what are you leaving out? In what order do you explain your topic? And how do you make sure that the audience stays there the whole time? The creation of a good explainer video is an art and a lot of craft.

In this article, you’ll learn about Solveta, and how ClickMeeting supports the company in daily operations.

About Solveta: Information reduced to the Max

Solveta reduces complex topics to the point in an understandable way. Concise, entertaining and fascinatingly simple. Since 2012, Solveta has produced over 2,500 explainer videos for clients from all industries and also offers a library of over 500 explanatory videos that are directly available at low cost. And this company is supported in its daily activities by ClickMeeting.

As Solveta, our claim is “Essentials simply explained”. With explainer videos, we are making the world a little bit easier for everybody.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

How does Solveta use ClickMeeting?

Solveta operates in a very innovative industry and provides its users with cutting-edge digital content. Operating in such a challenging market is obviously very demanding. On the one hand, it involves communication with customers and business partners.

We use ClickMeeting for all kinds of online meetings, from 1:1 sales meetings via intensive and interactive masterclasses around explainer videos with 15-25 participants up to webinars with 150+ participants from 75+ countries.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

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As you can see, ClickMeeting works well in all of these settings. The platform creates an engaging environment for business conversations, as well as hosting large training and marketing events. And it doesn’t matter where the attendees happen to be.

Our attendees are mostly employees from marketing, sales and human resources. They are coming from small to medium and especially from big companies. If the webinar is in German, they come from the DACH region; if we do it in English, we have participants from all continents, even from countries like Tuvalu or Saudi Arabia.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

One of the biggest advantages of organizing online meetings is the possibility to reach new target groups, which would not be possible to cooperate with in standard conditions. What’s important: this opportunity can be used not only by large multinational corporations but also small entities and startups just beginning their business path. This is an excellent opportunity to scale operations and open up to entirely new directions:

Solveta is not a huge company but with ClickMeeting, we had more than 1000 attendees and many more registrations in the last 12 months from all over the world. We could have never reached this number of people with real-life events.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

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Webinars in Solveta’s marketing initiatives

Of course, webinars are not just limited to the educational sphere. Webinar marketing is becoming an increasingly noticeable trend in global business. Using online events as part of a brand’s strategy can be extremely beneficial. It works well in generating leads as well as in long-term lead nurturing activities, providing the opportunity to develop strong relationships with potential customers and partners. Moreover, it is also an effective tool in the hands of PR specialists. It is a great way to develop a stable expert position and build an image based on values.

With COVID-19, the possibilities for marketing (e.g., conference and trade fairs) and sales (especially personal sales) were disrupted. ClickMeeting did not only help with that challenge, but our reach is now higher, and our efficiency is better than before.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

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As you can see, webinars are a perfect match for the blooming digital world. So it is worthwhile to take advantage of this opportunity and include webinar marketing in your promotional and branding activities. One of the many advantages of this approach is the ability to achieve even better results while saving cost and time, as Solveta also demonstrates:

I did seminars for 20 years. With webinars I have now the possibility to reach more participants and have less travel time and costs at the same time.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

New opportunities and problems to solve

Creating your own webinars undoubtedly offers great opportunities. First of all, it’s much simpler and more intuitive than organizing large onsite events. While nothing can replace face-to-face contact with people, modern virtual meeting platforms such as ClickMeeting can make the participant experience as close to real-life as possible:

I still love to meet people in real, but ClickMeeting is the next best thing if physical meetings are not possible or too expensive.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH


On the other hand, those who decide to include webinars in their brand strategy have to deal with certain challenges and must adapt to new conditions, as we can see in the example of Solveta:

The preparation is easier than “real-life events “, but there is one big challenge that grew over the last 18 months: The no-show rate. More and more people confirm their participation, but then something else pops up, and they do not attend. With free-of-charge webinars, this rate is sometimes as big as 50% – and this is not only sad but costly as well.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

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Does Solveta recommend ClickMeeting?

Choosing the right partner for your business in the digital world is crucial. A modern online meeting platform should not only provide stability and modern features but also guarantee a high level of security. Would Solveta recommend ClickMeeting services to other companies?

Yes, I would, I did, and I do. It is a very reliable solution with a big advantage coming from Europe and being fully compliant with GDPR.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

Solveta, like many of our European clients, pays special attention to the protection of personal data: both those belonging to the organizers and participants of each event. At ClickMeeting, we focus every day on developing security procedures and remaining GDPR compliant. This way, our partners can rest assured that their privacy is protected and that no data leaves the European Economic Area.

Besides, Solveta also appreciates the access to innovative features to improve collaboration and running events along with the never-ending development of our tool:

ClickMeeting has all the functions I need for very professional webinars, and over the last 18 months, many more have been developed.

Martin Nitsche, Solveta GmbH

Try ClickMeeting and create your own events

As you can see, ClickMeeting offers you everything you need to create your own online events. Whether you want to host small team meetings, intimate training sessions, or webinars for hundreds of attendees, ClickMeeting has everything necessary. You’ll also get support from our Customer Success team and access to advanced features to help you manage and promote your events. Take advantage of our free trial to see how much you can achieve together with ClickMeeting.

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