We support leaders. How does AGH UST Centre of e-Learning use ClickMeeting?

AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is not only one of the best technical universities in Central and Eastern Europe: for many years it has also been an innovation leader in e-learning. One of the tools it uses is ClickMeeting.

The best universities and schools used remote education long before the pandemic broke out. Therefore, they were well prepared to operate in all conditions. AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow has been using e-learning for over 25 years. The University’s e-Learning Platform (UPeL) working on Moodle technology facilitates the management of remote education and creates a comfortable working and learning environment for both employees and students. Thanks to its integration with ClickMeeting, conducting classes and engaging participants is even easier.

The Centre of e-Learning AGH University of Science and Technology develops methodologies for remote learning and creates webinars and other digital formats. We had the opportunity to visit its headquarters. Feel free to read the video and text report from our meeting.

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AGH University of Science and Technology: a leader among technical universities

The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow was founded in 1913. It is one of 10 universities in Poland with the status of a research university. Currently, it consists of 16 faculties, the Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, and teaching Centres. Five of the most important units of the university received the highest scientific category: A+. In total, AGH educates over 23,000 students, employing more than 2,100 academic staff, including over 200 professors and 500 university professors.

First of all, it is one of the best Polish universities of a technical profile. The AGH University of Science and Technology was, among others, ranked first among all Polish universities in the prestigious Shanghai 2021 Academic Ranking of World Universities and The Centre for World University Rankings.

AGH UST Centre of e-Learning

The AGH University of Science and Technology Centre of e-Learning has been operating since 1996. It is a unique unit responsible for the comprehensive support of employees, the academic community, and other interested persons in gaining knowledge via remote communication methods.

AGH e-Learning Centre deals with implementing various e-learning solutions at AGH University of Science and Technology. It helps university employees in effective ways of transferring knowledge using remote methods.

Anna Wrona – methodologist at the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning

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Important tasks concern, in particular, the training of lecturers at the AGH University of Science and Technology. This applies to both the optimal use of tools, including the university’s UPeL and ClickMeeting platforms, as well as continuous development of the academic teacher’s workshop regarding remote and hybrid learning. On the other hand, the e-Learning Centre also creates various types of online events and prepares courses, training sessions, and webinars that are not only attended by the university’s employees and students, but also by any willing person.

ClickMeeting in e-Learning at AGH UST

For remote learning to be effective, it is necessary to choose the right set of tools and maximize their potential. Of course, online communication platforms play a vital role here. With their help, it is possible to organize various events, from small meetings – providing efficient work organization for internal teams, or conducting certain types of educational activities – to webinars, which can perfectly replace standard lectures, while offering many more opportunities.

One of the tools used for this purpose by the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning is ClickMeeting.

A few years ago, we began to implement tools for synchronous communication. One of the solutions we implemented for this purpose is the ClickMeeting platform. We have been using it since 2016.

Anna Wrona – methodologist at the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning

ClickMeeting integration with Moodle

The efficient management of remote education is ensured by UPeL system, i.e. the University e-Learning Platform of AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. It is based on Moodle technology. One of the tools integrated with the platform is ClickMeeting. Configuration is very simple and takes advantage of the available plug-ins.

Teachers use the Virtual Class mode to create classes. They can choose the class size depending on specific needs – virtual classes of up to 50 or 200 people are available. They also set the date of the meeting and, if necessary, the access password. This way, employees can comfortably and safely transfer their classes to the virtual space.


Anna Wrona – methodologist at the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning


This solution is appreciated by the lecturers themselves. Many of them have extensive experience in using remote methodologies. As a result, they were perfectly prepared to continue their work even after the outbreak of the global pandemic.

Since 2016, some of my classes have been held on UPeL’s e-Learning platform. ClickMeeting lets me meet directly with students in real-time in a virtual room, e.g., during lectures.

Piotr Chyła, PhD – lecturer at AGH UST

Enterprise form

Professional event management

AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is not only a leader in rankings based on scientific achievements. Thanks to the work of people employed in the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning stands out also in terms of the standards of remote learning and quality of the content created this way.

The excellent infrastructure is particularly noteworthy. The Centre has its own facility, the heart of which are fully professional and well-equipped studios for conducting webinars.

We run so many online events that, for the needs of both the e-Learning Centre and our lecturers, we have created two fully equipped webinar studios.

Anna Wrona – methodologist at the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning

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The events are of excellent technical quality. The organizers can use, among other things:

  • A professional audio-video system
  • lighting lamps
  • background changing system
  • cameras with high-class lenses and optical zoom
  • multibeam microphones with noise reduction system
  • sound-absorbing curtains and acoustic absorbers
  • a tablet allowing direct input of content.

Not only classes and training

The e-Learning Centre has the important goal of taking advantage of all the possibilities modern technology offers. This is not limited only to university employees and students.

As the AGH e-Learning Centre, we use ClickMeeting, among other things, to organize monthly thematic webinars, which can be attended by anyone interested. The platform also supports us in organizing seminars, workshops, online training, consultations, and meetings for our internal teams. We organize both national and international scientific and teaching conferences. In the last three months alone, we have carried out three such projects.

Anna Wrona – methodologist at the AGH UST Centre of e-Learning

Everyone can benefit from well-prepared material! The events are devoted to different aspects of teaching workshops and practical ways to conduct engaging and effective online classes. In addition, experts are often invited to the webinars.

You can find recordings of events that have already taken place in the Webinarotheque.

Researchers prepared for remote learning

An important task carried out by the e-Learning Centre is providing training for university employees. Prepared courses cover various aspects related to the methodology of work in remote education and the optimal use of available tools.

Certification training, conducted by employees of the e-Learning Centre, gains particular importance. Passing it is necessary to obtain the right to teach remotely. It also allows trainees to get acquainted with essential tools, and the ways in which the UPeL platform and ClickMeeting work. As a result, the employee acquires the competencies necessary to independently organize and conduct classes.

Before starting the virtual classes, each AGH employee must undergo training in the e-Learning Centre. After completing it, they receive a certificate authorizing them to modify the form of education. During the training, we get to know the tools, including Moodle system and ClickMeeting platform. These skills obviously proved very useful during the pandemic period. Thanks to this, we could smoothly transfer not only lectures but also auditorium or laboratory exercises to virtual reality.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH


Join the ranks of e-learning leaders

Remote Classes via ClickMeeting

Opinions about e-Learning are not always so positive. The problems are often caused by inadequate preparedness of educational institutions and students to continue the activities in remote mode. Based on the example of AGH University of Science and Technology, we can see that a good strategy and the choice of appropriate tools can provide excellent results and move most educational activities to the virtual space without any concessions.

A lecture in ClickMeeting is no different than the one I give at the university. All you have to do is define the parameters of the meeting and invite students. In addition, the platform gives many opportunities to conduct engaging classes.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH

Thanks to such good preparation, it was possible to operate practically undisturbed after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, which was a huge surprise for many educational institutions.

The pandemic outbreak was not a big problem for me. Despite the unexpected announcement that we would be moving to a remote model, after all the training and contact with the ClickMeeting tool, I had no problems transferring the classes to virtual reality.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH

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Tools useful in the classroom

Effective remote classes take advantage of the interactive features of the tools. This makes them more engaging, and the experience for both presenters and participants is far more rewarding. What features of ClickMeeting are most frequently used by AGH employees?

Presentation mode and virtual whiteboard

First of all, I use the presentation mode. I especially appreciate the ability to put different types of notes on it, which makes it easier to share knowledge. I can underline important fragments, and add things I’ve just recalled. I often leave the equations of reactions uncompleted and ask students to answer. They can do it, for example, in the chat window. During my classes, I also make extensive use of the virtual whiteboard, which works perfectly when discussing particular issues.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH UST

Surveys and tests

Thanks to the tests, I am able to quickly verify the progress of the students, and the surveys help me, among other things, to immediately assess whether the presented content is understandable.
I also use them to stimulate the students on the other side of the screen. I ask questions, give them a moment to answer, and present the results right away. This way, I can assess whether they have mastered the material, and I can continue, or if some issue requires clarification.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH


Break-out rooms

I often use the break-out room function, i.e. the ability to divide a large group of students (e.g. 100 people) into smaller groups. It was useful, for example, during exams. I was able to switch between the rooms and check whether the right students were taking the exam. During standard classes it allows the participants to focus on a particular issue.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH


Intuitive workflow thanks to ClickMeeting integration with Moodle

The integration of ClickMeeting with Moodle provides a comfortable and secure working environment for both university staff and students. It takes just a few clicks to create a class or series of classes, invite students, log into the room, and share materials. The teacher has virtually full control over the classroom, its format, and content.

With ClickMeeting integrated with Moodle, work becomes much easier. First of all, I can be sure that my students are enrolled in the course. I give them the password during the first class, and I know that only they can log in and use the materials. If I would like to invite someone from outside, I just need to click one icon, enter the e-mail address and invite this person at a particular time for a particular class.

Piotr Chyła, PhD, lecturer at AGH


See you in the virtual lecture hall!

The example of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow shows how simple and effective remote and hybrid learning can be. With the right tools, knowledge, and strategy, you can operate effectively regardless of the circumstances.

We recently found out that we are moving back into full remote mode in two weeks. One of my students asked how we were going to handle this. The answer was simple: we will meet in a virtual ClickMeeting classroom!

Piotr Chyła, PhD, Lecturer, AGH

Use the power of ClickMeeting

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