A Little Birdie Told Me: Marketing Your Live Webinar on Twitter

Using social media to market your webinar is a no-brainer. It’s not as straightforward as it looks, though. Simply posting over and over that your webinar is happening will get the word out, but it won’t address the “how” and the “why” to hook the audience and get an attendance commitment. The effectiveness of your social media marketing depends on the quality of your content as well as the unique ways you can leverage individual social media platforms for reaching your target audience.

Twitter is a great place to start, and as far as social media platforms compare, is probably the one you’ll use the most frequently. The brevity of the posts, while not accommodating a lot of content, builds intrigue and interest in your brand without taking up a lot of your time to write (or your audience’s time to read). There’s a lot of potential for Twitter to get your live webinar a lot of attention.


Sing, Little Bird

Like the little bird that serves as its logo, Twitter is meant for short, sweet little chirps. The phrase, “a little birdie told me” perfectly captures the purpose of Twitter. It’s meant to get out a brief but effective message that will catch attention and lead the reader to seek more information. You can say a lot in just a few tweets a day, so get your song out there!

An essential message to send out would obviously be to post about your webinar with a link to the registration page. You could phrase it as a question: “Do you want to do X?” or “Have you always wanted to learn more about X?” There are many ways to do this, from straightforward to clever. Though you’ve only got 140 characters, you’ll still want to make the message speak to your target audience.

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Add New Voices By Diversifying Content

Not all the tweets about your webinar necessarily have to directly say, “sign up for my webinar!” In fact, they shouldn’t. To diversify your account’s content, talk about a related topic, such as your e-book, or information about a speaker in your webinar, that indirectly markets that webinar by offering the readers valuable content. When people read through their news feed, they’re primarily looking to be entertained. So keep it light, and give them something they’d be interested in. It’s not all about the business.


Tweets of a Feather Flock Together

Tweet often – several times per day – with tweets that contain varying content. As with any social media account, posting frequently increases the relevance of your brand and improves the livelihood of your marketing plan. This goes especially for Twitter posts, which show up quickly in an accelerating feed and then quickly disappear to the bottom of the page, the more you post, the more you’ll be seen.

Strategically place your posts at different times of day – such as a couple in the morning, some in the afternoon, and one or two in the evening – to make sure that they’re seen. Some people are on Twitter 24/7, but others only check it once in awhile and won’t see the posts if they only occur sporadically. You might also consider devising a series of related Tweets that give hints about your webinar content or offer other surprises like links to informative blog posts or giveaways.

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Prepare for Takeoff

Building up your marketing for a live webinar will take time and effort, so it’s best to take flight as soon as you know you’re going to host a webinar. Preparing a strategy for how and when you will post about your webinar and related topics will give you a framework that ensures you’ll see it through from start to finish. Just like a church choir, a chorus of tweets is best when they are well rehearsed. It doesn’t hurt to write out some Tweets beforehand and have them ready to push through when it’s posting time. Good strategy that incorporates engagement with the target audience and value-added content will make your live webinar soar!

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