Are Webinars Effective Tools For Public Service Sectors?

The effective and efficient provision of much needed services to public constituencies requires civil servants who are equipped not only with compassion and a desire to serve the people, but, also the capacity and professional training that will enable them to deliver quality services.

To be able to provide responsive services that would truly uplift the status of people, high standards of integrity, transparency and accountability in public service is needed. Oftentimes, a lowering of these standards, coupled with administrative and regulatory burdens, impede on the ability of the public sector to perform better, especially when public service professionals are ill equipped with the know-how to go beyond usual barriers to effective service.


Educating Public Service Professionals

In order to address these concerns, public service managers and policymakers have taken to task civil servants and public service professionals to undergo specialized education and training courses that will develop personnel capacities and raise the level of understanding standardized public sector ethics.

The delivery of better public services, after all, rests on better public sector professionals especially those who are frontline providers of a broad range of services available to constituencies.

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While there are courses conducted in formal institutions of learning using traditional teaching methods, many such courses are now being offered using online tools such as webinars.



Because webinars provide an effective way of educating and raising capacities of public service professionals that cater to their specific needs and time constraints.


The Benefits Of Webinars


Perhaps one of the most enticing value points of webinars, or online seminars, are their cost-effectiveness. Government and non-government agencies can require their staff to enroll in online courses and learn to be better at providing public service without the usual need to take off time from work in order to attend classes in traditional learning institutions.

Even from the comfort of offices and homes, public service professionals are able to learn and be trained to be better at what they do.

Because webinars can be conducted exactly the same way as face to face seminars except for actually being in the same room as the lecturer or presenter, the public service sector can do away with sacrificing time and public resources in the name of raising levels of expertise and ethical values.

Public service is often about serving constituencies at the same time that the need for service arises, and it would actually help the public sector to save on time and resources to ensure that such services are provided.


Standardized Teaching

Taking online seminars allows for the standardization of modules and training courses that are delivered to public service professionals wherever they are and whenever they need them.

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Common needs for the training of either back office or frontline service providers in a specific sector can be identified and a webinar course or a series of webinars could be designed or availed to suit these needs.

Once modules and courses are already standardized, these online trainings could be replicated for succeeding batches and even new civil service entrants.

Compare this with course offerings that differ from one traditional institution of learning to another, one lecturer to another and there will be public service professionals who may or may not be on equal footing and level of understanding and appreciation for the importance of the work that they do.

With webinars, on the other hand, the same training could be required of every civil servant in a whole department or sector, hence a more standardized performance of the public service sector.


Promoting E-Service

Another benefit of webinars as a tool for public service education is exactly what it isóan online tool that is also able to raise the capacities of those in the public sector to familiarize and control technology while also learning of the art of public service.

Technology has provided humanity with tools to improve our capacities and knowledge, and much of that is due to a generation that is increasingly adept at online technology.

The public sector has now learned from the experiences of the private sector, which admittedly grasped and made efficient use of technology to improve business and performance factors much earlier.

As the public sector gears to achieve better efficiency, exposing public servants to the myriad uses of technology, such as, in training and education through webinars also improves the overall capacities of the public sector in the effective uses of internet technology.

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Educating The Public

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of webinars is their ability to educate the public on the many issues society has to deal with. Webinars can be created and posted online for topics related to health issues, education, financial planning, family unity and many others to provide the public with important information that they can readily access from home anytime they wish.

With their dynamic nature and their ability to draw and captivate a wide audience, they are much more effective than the typical mundane online copy, and so, are much better tools for turning even the most boring topics into highly receptive and easy to digest presentations.


Bottom Line

No one can argue about the fact that webinars are superior tools for both training and educating in the public service sector. Creating webinars is easier than ever before with powerful service providers, such as, ClickWebinar, that offer a full spectrum of features and support to ensure that the presentation will be of the highest quality.

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