ClickMeeting Turns Good Customers into Great Ones

Imagine how great it would be if your business had nothing but loyal customers. No more prospecting and striving to please strangers. A neighborhood business has a tremendous advantage — a local community filled with loyal patrons. But online businesses have to create their own community. Here’s how ClickMeeting can help. 


Online shoppers are notoriously fickle. If they can save a dollar (or even a nickel) they’ll bail out on you and buy from your competitor.

And who could blame them? The Internet has increased the efficiency of commerce, driving prices down and service up — great for consumers, but maybe not-so-great for your business.

It’s a mistake to assume that your customers are loyal to you. You have to earn loyalty every day in every transaction.

The best way to do that is to add so much value that your customers wouldn’t dream of buying from anyone but you. Here are some ways to add value — using ClickMeeting.


1. Become the go-to resource for questions.

Today’s consumers like to get the facts before they spend their hard-earned cash. If you position yourself as a trustworthy source of information, you also position yourself as a trustworthy person to do business with.

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For example, you could set up online office hours — designated times during the week when customers can pop into your ClickMeeting permanent meeting room, ask a question, and get answers on the spot.

And if you establish a friendly atmosphere, it could become a popular place where fans of your business like to visit and bring their friends.


2. Share your network.

As a business professional, you cultivate relationships with suppliers, distributors, subject-matter experts, and other cool, interesting people. Why not let your customers get to know them too?

You could conduct a webinar (or a series of webinars) and bring in a panel of guest experts to inform, enlighten, and even entertain your customers. It brings together people who ordinarily would never get to meet and gives them a chance to interact and share ideas.

In the process, it promotes you as a prominent person in your field and promotes your business as an important resource.

Why would those in your network  agree to do this? Well, if they are important to your business, you’re probably important to their business too. So there is value for them in helping you promote your business.


3. Build a library

One of the handiest features of ClickMeeting is one-click recording. Recordings of the activity described above can be stored in your account for playback and distribution. There are even some basic trimming tools to pare your recordings down to the essentials.

Each Q&A session, webinar and panel discussion becomes a valuable content asset that can provide value to your customers. That way, the time you spend is an investment that pays off in customer loyalty for years to come.

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4. Building loyalty by adding value

Sound like a lot of work? Well, it is.

But it’s not as much work as remaining on the endless treadmill of prospecting for new customers, winning their confidence, and helping them perceive your value.

Loyal, longtime customers spend more money with you and are easier to do business with. They’re more fun to work with and much more likely to refer you to their friends.


5. Getting started

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with any new project. So start slowly — a quarterly event is a good goal. When you gain proficiency, you may bump it up to monthly.

Then who knows? Maybe your customers will want more from you and you’ll deliver weekly. That’s a sure sign you’re building a solid community to support your business for years to come.

So give it a try. If you enjoy it and find it makes your business more profitable, why not? It could transform your business — and your life!

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