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Thank You For Making 2016 Our Best Year Yet!

With the New Year around the corner we looked back at this past year, and boy, what a year it was! It was a revolutionary year that shaped the directions in which we want to go as we move into 2017.


What Did We Accomplish This Year?

We started 2016 off with two brand new features – toll free phone numbers and account balance. It was the perfect way to give our customers a sneak peek into ClickMeeting’s year of renovation and innovation. To stamp our progression, we took a big step forward in February when we completed a spin-off from our parent company, GetResponse. Although it was a revolutionary move, our expansive development and excellent performance over the following months only proved that it was the right decision.

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grcm-1So, what did the following months bring? We fine-tuned our service packages and continuously developed features that enhanced our product to serve enterprise and high-volume webinar marketers. Enhancements made it clear that ClickMeeting is stepping out from the old and into the new, which is why we redesigned our website completely and added two new features – webinar archive and multi-user logins.


homepageA brand new website and better service packages were not enough! We also launched anew mobile application for iOS and Android phones, that allowed our on-the-go customers to run and participate in webinars with no loss of quality. What’s more, we updated the interface design, added new features, improved speed and data took 2016 by the horns and we improved our product from every possible angle – and it paid off! In the tenth annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service we were rewarded in the category of Collaboration Solution – New Version. Thank you!


How Will We Wow 2017?

We not only keep an eye out for technological advancements but also for any feedback our customers have. These two great sources of information inspired us to work on a number of things we’d like to present in the upcoming year:


  1. Brand new features – Break-out rooms and paid access webinars. We all know what paid access to webinars means, but what are break-out rooms? They are additional rooms to which webinar hosts will be able to move selected attendees so they can work together.
  2. Expanding and improving our integrations – We’ve already updated existing ones (HubSpot, Moodle, MS Outlook, YouTube) and we’re creating new ones, e. g. with popular LMS-es, Infusionsoft and Zapier.
  3. Localization improvements – Due to growing interest in webinars, we’re in the process of localizing our account panel and marketing pages for the French and Portuguese speaking countries.
  4. New technology – Following Google Chrome’s decision to switch from Flash technology to HTML5, we too have decided to work on making that change. We will be keeping you updated on the progress.
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As we work to make these changes and additions, we hope that 2016 was exciting for you as it was for us. We also hope to give even more details soon as to when you can expect ClickMeeting to make 2017 even more exciting with all these things we’re working on.


Stay tuned and Happy New Year!

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