Anatomy Of A Webinar Opt-In Page: Your Most Important Elements

Webinars are a very important aspect of any content marketing strategy. They provide an important platform for small businesses and internet marketers to connect with clients and build trust. They can be used for a wide range of purposes and nearly every small businesses can harness the power of webinars.

It is essential that any business, who wants to use webinars, use them to their full potential. That means that it is very important to create an engaging webinar opt-in page. People may hear about your webinar, but without a great opt-in page fewer will make the decision to sign up.

This being the case, it’s very important to get the anatomy of your landing page, or opt-in page right. It is essential that certain elements are used in the right proportion. The result is that the choice to opt-in or not becomes so much easier. Of course, creating the perfect opt-in page isn’t an exact science and there’s no ‘one-for-all’ formula. However, there are certain aspects which are common to all opt-in pages.

Here are the 7 top elements which should be incorporated in every webinar opt-in page:


1. An eye-catching headline

The first thing that a visitor will see is the headline. For this you have to capture the person’s attention is just a few seconds. This should be compelling enough for a person to take a closer look.

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2. A secondary headline

Just under the main headline will be a second headline. These should both complement each other – the same message, but different wording. This is your second chance to engage your potential client.


3. Use a short video

This can whet a client’s appetite to learn more. It is your opportunity to sell your webinar and explain why this webinar is exactly what the person is looking for. It should be short enough to give a brief idea of why the person should attend and what he can expect. Here you could show a short demonstration. It should leave a person wanting more.


4. Make registration easy

Make sure that the process of registering is simple and straightforward for the subscriber. Some webinars offer a ‘One Click Opt-It’ whereby current email subscribers can register with one click. This will automatically enter all the information that you have on the subscriber on the registration form. If the registration requires the person to fill out details, make sure you only ask for pertinent details. People are busy and have short attention spans, if you ask for too much data, like address, many will just leave.


5. Testimonials

If you have conducted webinars in the past, then use some testimonials on the opt-in page. This boosts confidence in the product and will help convert visitors’ interest to register.


6. Display a thank-you page

Don’t just display a generic confirmation page, use a “thank-you” page instead. This can incorporate the information in point 7.


7. Use social media

Once registered, use the potential of social media to share your event. This is a great way of spreading the message. Therefore, you could set up a Facebook ‘share’ button or an ‘attending event’ button. Also, have a link so that the person can add the event automatically to his calendar.

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By incorporating these 7 aspects to a webinar opt-in page you can make sure that your landing page is as engaging and interesting as possible. As stated at the start, creating the perfect opt-in page can be a matter of trial and error. Therefore it is good to spend some time searching Google images for great looking opt-in pages to see what really catches your eye. Consider your colors carefully, make sure that text is dark on a light background, and do not use annoying hard to read schemes, like yellow font on black background. Mix up your font sizes and colors to bold and emphasize the most important points, like titles, date and time. When you have you own opt-in page constructed, leave it for a day or two, then come back to it and ask yourself: “If I wanted to attend this webinar, would I be enticed to sign up?”

Good luck!

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