Bringing Business Back

When you’re elbow deep in a project and pulling at straws just to get through the brambles, it’s important to take a step back and regroup. Building any sort of webinar, or even arranging an online meeting, can be anything but a small task. Before you know it you can end up stressing about whether or not the banner above your window should be blue or red, what you are going to wear, and a wide array of other small details.

The result: your content flails lifelessly by the way side. The key to preventing this is routinely bringing yourself back to your central motivation which should be your business.

Naked Facts

Sometimes midway through a project, or even earlier during the developmental phases, it’s important to revisit that initial outline (you do have one, right?) to be sure that you are still nailing those key points that you really don’t want to miss out on. Once you find them hold on to them tightly.

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Avoid Too Much Comparison

dv1923028An easy culprit to sending you down a wild goose chase can happen the moment you start comparing your project and presentation to others. It’s human nature to want to head to your favorite search engine and see what’s out there. Wait. Before you hit enter into that search bar, take a moment and realize that you are ripe with the curse of having a Pandora’s Box in your hands. Sure, you may find some great suggestions and ideas, but at the same time you are already taking your first steps of moving away from your content and even worse.

Avoiding content isn’t the only thing that comparison can yield. It also wreaks havoc on your ability to produce original material. You don’t want to be just another carbon copy version of the same material that is already out there. Who can deny the coy allure of wanting to “just see” what everybody else is doing. An easy excuse that often plagues noobs is that of, “Well, I just want to make sure nobody else is doing what I’m doing”. Why even bother?

As soon as your eyes see something they can’t, un-see it. If you absolutely feel the need to compare yourself to others then save this step of the creative process for post-production. Once you have completed the foundation for your content and built a proper presentation model, then you can go check out what the Joneses are doing. If you decide to make a few tweaks at this point than that is all they are, simply tweaks and nothing that as monumental as influencing your entire project.

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Why Do They (Your Audience) Need You?

dv1954038If you can answer this question in regards to the information that you are sharing in your webinar than you are doing pretty well. In fact, you should be able to answer this in regard to your content without even blinking an eye.

But if you take this question and apply it to all of the other aspects of your presentation than you can start to really center your entire presentation on your business model. If the specifics aren’t helping add up to a better composite, than you aren’t doing yourself any favors. You are simply complicating matters and wasting a lot of valuable time that you could be using to improve your content and your delivery.

What is your motivation

Maybe it is money that fuels your desire to see your webinar out there, and there isn’t anything wrong that, but odds are there are some other driving intentions behind your desire to share the information that you are providing in your presentation. What are these desires?

businessDo you want to help others succeed? Are you trying to change people’s perspective, increase their productivity, and make them better leaders? Whatever the case may be it is vital to periodically and routinely return to this core set of intentions. Repeat these intentions like a mantra and see to it that you don’t stray from the path of them. Staying true to yourself on this level helps greatly improve the quality of the work you do.

Surely you’ve heard it before that if your heart isn’t in something than it just isn’t worth doing. The same applies here. If your heart is in the money, then so be it, but most likely you have some greater calling that you are trying to attend to. Once you find that, stick with it and never look book.

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Stay Honest

Designing and presenting a webinar is an exciting venture. Whether it is your first or fifth, the process can easily become overloaded and bogged down with ill-placed focus. We all want our work to be perfect. We all want to perform at the highest level possible. The keys to achieving this success lies in an ability to stay true to yourself, avoid comparing yourself to others, and focus on your intentions. When the details start to become too much, take the time to pull yourself away from your project and regroup.


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