Information Clarity: A Key to Online Engagement

Videoconferencing has reached new levels of functionality, especially compared to what seems like the Paleolithic times of a few years ago. With so many ways to get your message out, the next thing to focus on is ease of access. Even if your audience is tuning in through a landline or VoIP, one thing is certain: your information needs to be clear. 


For the best videoconference possible, your audience should feel like an integral part of the presentation. The better your audience can see where you’re going, the more likely they are to go along for the ride.

With a focus on clarity, you can boost audience understanding by providing background information, supporting data, and statistics on industry trends.

Providing an array of access points

Your primary focus is to create quality content. But once you’ve developed your message, it’s up to you to figure out the best way to package and deliver it.

Research on learning style points to new ways to deliver information in a way that resonates with the audience and is easy to absorb. Ideally, this involves a mash-up of the three basic learning styles: visual, audio, and kinesthetic.

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Today’s multi-dimensional videoconferencing technology supports all three styles for the delivery of important, relevant information.

Focusing on active participation

With options such as polls, recordings, and supplemental information, videoconference technology has made strides in the ability to engage the audience and create an atmosphere abundant with opportunities for learning.

Few people like to sit and be told what to do, especially in the company of fellow professionals. These tools help your audience feel like active participants.

When you gather an audience, you can keep them, but only by first anticipating their needs, then delivering content that addresses those needs.

Opening the door

If you want good answers, you have to ask good questions. Unfortunately, not everybody knows how. People often don’t know what they need to know.

As the host of a videoconference you’re at the helm of the ship. Your role is to actively communicate your material while maintaining an intuitive and compassionate awareness of your audience.

As your attendees discover questions, make it easy to ask them. They need not interrupt the presentation if they can send questions by live feed. This lets them know they aren’t just passive recipients of your message.

Keeping it simple

Simplicity never goes out of style, especially when it comes to delivering new information. There’s a fine line between providing the right amount of information versus inundating your audience until they feel drowned in a sea of details. Even a slide show can be too much to read.

Make your message as succinct as possible. If you need to explain a critical element, provide external links where your audience can learn more if they wish. This bolsters your authority and demonstrates that you care about your material.

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Supplemental material is a promise that you won’t waste time or insult the audience’s intelligence. For example, if you have a new team member, don’t waste time rehashing company policies the rest of the team already knows.

Leveling the playing field

Videoconferencing brings us together to share information in an efficient and compassionate way. It has never been easier to establish strong working relationships between people who never get to sit in the same space.

Now that the technology is here, it’s more important than ever to make videoconferencing a space for delivering learning that builds company morale, increases participation, and imparts critical information in a direct, diversified manner.

We hope today’s message is relevant and clear. If it is, please share it on social media. If not, feel free to ask a question below.

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