How to Get Ready to Meet a New Client

When you meet with a new client, it’s your one shot at making an impression. Going into an opportunity like that blind is suicide. You had to work to get the meeting in the first place. To make the meeting go well for you, you have to know what you’re doing when you get there.

Getting ready to meet a new client isn’t rocket science. There are a few practical steps you can take to cover all of your bases. Checking these off your list will leave you poised for success. Failing to do anything of these things is shooting yourself in the foot.


Gather Intelligence About Your Client

Getting information about your client beforehand can have the biggest impact on your sales success, but it’s probably the thing that people most underestimate. There are a lot of places that you can get this information from – flyers and brochures, their website, word of mouth, and the client themselves. Do so some background reading and research, then request a brief call with your client to do a pre-meeting interview. They’ll be impressed that you care so much.


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Be the Expert on Your Product

You may know your product backwards and forwards. Still, it’s good practice to review the key points you want to make about it. Everything the client would want to know should be fresh in your mind before going into the meeting. As you review them, think about how you want to highlight each feature of your product. Pretend as if you’re a client and describe what you would need to hear in order to be convinced to buy.


Act Like It’s The Only Meeting You’ll Have

If you’re an optimist, you might believe that you’re going to succeed in getting a second meeting with the client. But in reality, this might be your only shot to get their attention. Don’t take the first meeting for granted, even if you do have confidence in your persuasive skills. Respect their time by making the most of it and getting them the information they need to make a decision. Put on the charm, be hospitable, and go above and beyond to gain their trust.


Pump Yourself Up and Build Motivation

Maybe you’ll need an extra cup of coffee that morning to keep you going. But caffeinated energy is not going to be enough to get their attention. You have to bring genuine motivation and determination to the meeting in order to get through to the other side. Selling and pitching to a new client is tough, and you need to be your own cheerleader and believe that you can do it. That kind of energy will shine through and show your client how passionate you are about your business.

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Brace Yourself for Rejection

In the sales world, you can’t count on a happy ending. There will be times when your client doesn’t return your calls, flat-out rejects your pitch, or even walks out of the meeting. Be mentally prepared for rejection, even if things seem to be going well. Keeping in mind that it might not happen this time makes it easier to cope with. When your mind is in a good place, you can respond in a professional manner, and not let it ruin your stride. Move on to the next client and keep that momentum going.

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