Do’s and Don’ts for Online Presenters #infographic

You’re an expert in your subject. So the content of your presentation will be stellar. But tiny flaws could make you seem like a newbie and ruin your credibility. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Today’s infographic is a handy checklist of all the basics to make you look like an old pro. Lets look at the do’s and (maybe more important) the don’ts.

A few decades ago, experts predicted that the Internet would make person-to-person contact less relevant. Oops, the experts got it wrong.

Today’s audiences welcome the human touch. And now it’s easier to deliver, thanks to amazing advances in audio-video technology and the Cloud. These innovations have placed worldwide videoconferencing within reach for even the smallest organizations.

As a result, 25% of all business professionals view at least one online presentation per day.


Get it right

Unfortunately, many presenters don’t pay attention to the basics.

For example, 30% of presentations include diagrams that are too complex to absorb. And 17% don’t even include visuals. That’s good news for you. With attention to the basics of design, you can create a standout presentation.

And if you think wordy slides are the way to go, be aware that 48% of professionals believe full sentences are boring — at least in presentations. To keep audience attention, keep slides simple.

See also  How Surveys Can Benefit Your Webinar Presentation


Dodge these errors

Speaking of text-heavy slides… are you still reading slides to your audience? Well, 72% of professionals think it’s annoying. So just don’t do it.

Worried about giving a wrong answer? In TV and radio interviews, the interviewee always seems to come up with the right answers. That’s because they find out the questions in advance. You can do the same thing. Just survey your audience beforehand to find out their burning questions.

Here are a few more reminders for high-impact presentations.


Got a friend who’s preparing a presentation? Send her this infographic. She’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness.

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