5 Reasons You Should Record Your Webinar Presentation

Do you have a flourishing business? Have you created a product that deserves to be promoted and seen throughout the world? Do you want to reach millions of potential customers through the web and your various social media handles?

If so, a webinar presentation may be the right next step for you. Business owners, entrepreneurs, teachers, bloggers, software developers, and an array of other professionals can benefit from webinar presentations in a number of ways, but there is something else you should be doing with your webinar to make sure it makes a lasting impact: recording it.

Why record an online seminar? The following are a few reasons why this simple activity is a smart step to take for yourself, your business, your message, your product, or anything you want to promote.


Record Your Webinar: Here’s Why

    1. You should always back up your files: If you’ve spent any time around technology, you know that backing up your precious files is simply necessary. It is so easy to lose data—your device can crash, get stolen, or become otherwise damaged leading to a number of problems that are nearly impossible to fix. When you neglect to backup files, you run the risk of these problems, such as coming off unprepared when it counts. Suppose an investor, a boss, or a client want to know more about your product or business and you’ve lost the only webinar with the information they need? Instantly what seemed like a well put-together business becomes disorganized and even foolish, causing your clients and investors to look elsewhere for the information you could have provided if only you have another copy of your webinar. Protect yourself by recording your webinars and making at least two or three copies of the file. Proceed to back that file up to a flash drive or disk so you’ll always have a copy on hand should a request to see it arrive.
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    1. Not all of your clients can tune into the webinar when it airs: Typically, a webinar takes place at a certain time and all participants must register to attend and view via their different devices at that allotted time. Once it’s over, it’s over, making attendance imperative for those who don’t want or can’t afford to miss. This is especially important for online students who, for whatever reason, may have an emergency that causes them to skip a webinar presentation. Commonly, people try to find a time that works for everyone through taking polls and assessments. This is easiest when done in a school setting, but for businesses and other professionals, it is not likely the webinar will reach every single potential customer or investor out there. When you record your webinar, even if a big investor or an interested customer cannot watch the originally aired event, they can visit your blog or website to watch what they’ve missed. This way they catch the necessary information and admire you for remembering that sometimes things don’t always fall together smoothly, and when they don’t, there’s a backup plan.


    1. It’s good to Create Archives: On a similar strain of keeping backup files, it’s smart to keep archives of important events and information. When you record your webinar or webinars, you’re making that seminar last forever. Many organizations and companies, from schools to television studios, keep archives of information should they or the public need to go back and search for something. Archives are similar to keeping a flash drive or disk for yourself, but they are meant for the public to peruse when needed. Archives are often found on websites and are kept in some sort of organized order—typically by date. A recorded webinar is instantly archived and can be uploaded or distributed on all your different online hubs.
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    1. You’re More Likely to Be Polished When the Camera Is Rolling: Yes, webinars are technically always on camera, but recording a webinar is a bit different. The recording will be distributed and redistributed throughout the internet and millions of people can potentially see it. Many of these people will be investors, potential clients, current clients, or curious web surfers who’ve stumbled upon your business or product and your goal is to generate interest for what you’ve got to say. When they watch your recorded webinar, they won’t be expecting mess-ups, unnecessary silliness, fidgeting, long pauses, empty space and time, cussing, or unprofessionalism of any kind. A recorded webinar suggests a certain level of professionalism that will not only make you look better, but will make your business, product, or skills look better, too.


  1. It Gives You a Chance to Improve: When being recorded, people get a chance to see what they’ve done right and wrong in a presentation. In some public speaking classes, this technique is used to help students find their mistakes, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and work on all of these to put forth the best presentation they can. On the professional level, this could not be more important. The success of your webinar presentation is not securing a good grade, it’s securing your livelihood, your success, and your respect as a business owner, professor, or entrepreneur. Recording your webinars and actively watching them to see your mistakes and strengths can help you improve this art until it’s effortless.
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