5 Ways Webmasters Can Use Webinars In 2015

A website that generates a lot of interest and insights from target audiences and other visitors has been a webmaster’s dream. That was true years ago, and perhaps even more true as we welcome the year ahead knowing fully well that we are all in an even tighter race for the best site traffic statistics and search engine optimization results.

We are, after all ushering in 2015, a year where the website numbers game does not get any slacker, but fiercer in every respects. An ever developing internet technology has led us to the state we are in, what with an improved lot of webmaster tools that tell us the truth of how our websites fare compared to the nearest and farthest competition.

We are also dealing with online audiences who are getting more and more intelligent and discerning of the information they need and demand. And, of course we have to contend with fussy search engines that are looking more into quality control when it comes to the sites they rank on the first pages of their respective keyword results.

So how can these three things we have in our midst ó information consumers who are more discerning than ever and a stiffer competition within the business of information production – and demanding search engines – meet and flow in synergy? A smart webmaster, no doubt would ask this astute question, and would find an answer in probably one of the best communication and information delivery tool technology has developed: webinars.

Yes, you got that right.

Webinars are the ‘in’ thing right now, and that is definitely with good reason. Cost-effectiveness is probably one of webinar’s most known distinguishing trait, but there sure is more to just a way to pull travel investments costs down when it comes to webinars.

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Webmasters who are more concerned with turbocharging their websites in terms of exposure, search engine traffic and ultimately lead conversion can find much in webinars as their most veritable ally.


1. Drive-Up Traffic And SEO Ranking

The goal of every webmaster is first and foremost to generate higher visitor traffic and search engine optimization (SEO) ranking.

It has been the ballgame ever since the web came to be: more site visits means more traffic, and more site traffic means an improved SEO ranking in major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search.

When an organization or company is hosting a webinar, webmasters may now use the ’embed meeting room feature’, at least on providers like ClickWebinar, so attendees can watch the webinar directly from the comfort of the organization’s website. This not only eliminates the need to download specialized applications or programs so that attendees can view the webinar, but more importantly, it drives traffic directly to the website. Giving webinars directly from your own website may also be done when adopting and helping promote live webinars of affiliate companies.

Driving traffic to your website does not stop when the webinar is finished. Live webinars could be recorded and uploaded later on a third-party service like YouTube and webmasters can then promote the URL link on the website to drive even more traffic to their website.

Webinars are complete genius when it comes to driving site traffic.


2. Enhance Web Design

You get the drift, adding webinars to your website could change the game of website appearances and design. And, in today’s world of cutthroat competition among websites that offer a bevy of information to those who seek them, appearances – and not just content – do matter.

First impressions last, and studies show that it takes only 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion about your website, to decide whether they stay or leave. The average user’s attention span is shrinking, and with it the challenge of hooking users to your site. More and more, site aesthetics is getting the better of the ability of webmasters to hook this elusive audience.

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And this exactly is why webinars are a webmaster’s dependable ally. The beauty of webinars is they are excellent visual tools that webmasters can utilize to enhance the look and feel of their website. Embed a webinar in your website, create for it a title that hooks and you have an additional visual arsenal to entice users into staying on your site and actually consume information that you offer.


3. Up The Game For Marketing And Conversion

Come to think of it, webmasters are organic marketers. They help generate search engine traffic from visitors who are looking for information to help them make informed decisions or at the very least provide them with knowledge they could bookmark for when they finally need to make a decision on which product to purchase or service to avail.

Through webinars, your site will generate more interest, which in turn will lead to more page visits and general site traffic. More users actually consuming the information on your site offers leads to more knowledge about your brand, company or organization.

More knowledge about you creates leads, and more leads generate more conversion. It may look simple, but the fact that the popularity of webinars have multiplied over the couple of years is testament to the effectiveness of webinars in marketing.

With webinars, your site is able to offer information and do marketing pitches that are interactive and a whole lot more shareable (think power of social media) compared to static information contained in texts.

Brilliant, isn’t it?


4. Reveal Key First Hand Insights

Site analytics and online metrics offered by the likes of Google and Bing are heaven sent to webmasters who are always on a prowl for identifying site improvements – well, almost. There is a science to these webmaster tools, as they were after all developed through methodical studies of behavior and usage patterns conducted over millions of user experiences. The thing with these tools though, is that the numbers and statistics alone are supposed to give webmasters knowledge of user insights and site analytics.

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Imagine how richer this knowledge becomes if users are allowed to provide first-hand opinion on how they evaluate the content shared by the website they are visiting. Are they receiving information that they truly need? Do they feel more knowledgeable and empowered after receiving this information? Are they now more interested in the brand or the company because of the content they consumed?

These are questions that matter to webmasters and which they hope to validate through site analytics, but imagine how a lot more powerful and credible the answers are if they are provided directly by the users themselves. Together with site surveys and observations on social media sharing patterns of users, webinars could just be the additional tool to provide these insights to webmasters.

Webinars provide the much needed space for interaction with audiences, for Q&A sessions and even for measuring user response through their social media sharing behaviors. With more first-hand key insights, come a better understanding of user preferences, which really form the baseline for improving websites.


5. Maximize Site Exposure To Generate New Leads

We just have to recognize that webinars are enormous sharing machines. When a user likes particular content, it’s a click of the share button that usually follows. Because they are actually a multimedia experience, webinars are much more visual compared to white papers and lengthy articles, hence they are much easier and more fun to share.

Our online communication practice has come to a point that excellent content is measured by the number of shares and likes. ‘Shareability’ is the yardstick online content goes by these days, and for good reason. More shares means more site exposure, and more site exposure means more leads, it’s a wonderful ‘merry go around’.

When the webinar hosted on your website is shared, it means that you are able to generate more exposure and consequently traffic to your site – which in the practice of marketing could only mean new leads you might not have the chance to generate if your site content is not a magnet for share clicks.


Wrapping It Up

Webmasters are said to be Jacks (and Jills) of all trades, and these five benefits of webinars are just some of the things that webmasters could nimbly append to their hats to pave in a new year with a more turbocharged website.

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