5 Tips For Effective Product Demonstrations During A Webinar

Webinars are a dynamic way of engaging with your customers and driving up sales. However, in order to drive up sales, you need to make sure to give effective demonstrations during your webinar.

Webinars allow you to reach the widest possible audience in the most cost-effective manner. They can be used to cover a wide range of topics like training, information on a new product, or promoting a service. Of course, webinars never work well if you use them for a hard sell, but, if done right, they are effective tools to boost sales.

So, how can you effectively demonstrate your product during a webinar? Here are 5 top tips for an effective product demonstration.


1. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

It’s very unlikely that you are promoting a product which is completely unique and one-of-a-kind in your industry. This means that you are in competition with many other marketers. Therefore you have to define your unique selling proposition (USP).

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Try to look for areas and ways that your service or product is unique in your industry. This could be your experience in the industry, multiple uses of your product, or even a friendly service can be your USP. If you can’t define your USP for your product demonstration, then you could look for ways to incorporate your unique selling proposition into your product. Whatever you do, you need your product to stand out from your competitors.


2. Use Video Demonstrations

Videos are one of the most powerful marketing tools that you can use to demonstrate your product during your webinar. The fact that you are hosting a webinar already shows that you recognize the power of video. Now, you have to use that to effectively demonstrate your product.

Videos give you the power to not just tell your audience what your product does, but you can actually demonstrate it. Your video can help your audience to see exactly how the product works and how they can benefit from it. This creates an element of trust. You can also use videos to show what happens when you don’t use the product.


3. Tell the Customer’s Story

When you are demonstrating your product you should avoid just explaining the features of the product. Try to tell the customer’s story on how your product has benefited them. Remember, that this is not just a testimonial.

The best way to tell the customer’s story to effectively demonstrate your product is to imagine a scenario where your product could be used. Then tell a story about what the problem was and how the customer (real or imagined) was able to solve the problem with your product.

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4. Sell the Solution to the Problem

Before your audience is going to part with their money, they will want to know exactly how they are going to benefit from your product of service. Therefore, during your presentation, you need to identify specific problems and demonstrate how your product solves those.

Here is the way to do this effectively:

  • Clearly identify the problem. If you have done your market research properly you should know the problems that your audience is looking to solve.
  • How the problems impacts them. Usually, it is not enough to just identify the problem, you need to tactfully explain it impact.
  • What hinders the solution? When pointing the finger of blame for the cause of the problem, make sure and never blame the audience. Identify what is the real hindrance to the solution and explain how your product will solve this.

When explaining why your product is the perfect solution to the problem, you always need to be honest with your audience. For example, if a webinar participant asks a question that you don’t know the answer to, don’t try and fake it. Your audience will appreciate honesty and it is better to say that you will answer the question in a personal email, a future webinar, or on your website.


5. Practice Your Demonstration

It goes without saying that all webinars should be well-rehearsed beforehand. But this is especially true if you are demonstrating the product. If your demonstration is bungled and doesn’t flow well, this will reflect on your product.

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This can send one of two messages to your audience:

  • You didn’t prepare well, therefore, buying from you is a mistake.
  • If you can’t manage to demonstrate your product well, then the product itself must be flawed.

Even worse is that you could convey both of those messages to your audience.

Always prepare well and make sure that you have a robust backup plan just in case the unexpected does happen.

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