7 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Have you ever had a great idea that you just can’t seem to bring to fruition? The minutes crawl by at a glacial pace as you stare at your computer screen and fail to write anything coherent. When you’re writing content for a webinar or presentation, it needs to be clear enough for all audience members to grasp and interesting enough to keep their attention. Writer’s block keeps the words and sentences from sounding the way you imagine them in your head.

Even the best writers get to a point where they can’t think of what to write or how to write it. Maya Angelou, Neil Gaiman, and Ray Bradbury are just a few of the famous authors who admit to experiencing writer’s block. As professional writers, they have had to come up with a way to get past it. You can, too. Here are some writer-approved ways to get your brain going and the words flowing.


1. Just write something. Anything.

Fantasy writer Philip Pullman has notably said that writer’s block is simply an excuse not to write. Instead of sitting there frustrated that what you want to say isn’t coming out perfectly, do some freewriting so you at least get some words on the page. Sometimes just the act of writing – even writing badly – can get you past the block. Choose a freewriting exercise, or simply write whatever comes to mind. Throw perfectionism out the window.


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2. Take a walk (or other physical activity).

When the body gets active, the mind will follow suit. Taking a break to walk outside, do chores, or dance to some music will get blood pumping to your brain and reenergize you from hours of sitting and trying to write. Movement will also get your mind out of the frustration zone and give you some endorphins to cultivate a positive attitude.


3. Read something you admire.

Well-written works of fact and fiction can provide inspiration for your own work. Pick up a favorite novel or non-fiction title by an author whose style you’d like to emulate. Like you, they had to start from scratch and probably went through many drafts, but the end result was a masterpiece. Reading something that is well-written will give you hope and an example to follow.


4. Start writing when you’re most productive.

Some of us believe in the maxim, “the early bird gets the worm,” while others are natural night owls. Whatever time of day you have the most energy and focus, start writing then. It’s best to begin when you feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to take on the world.


5. Do some writing before bedtime.

Even if you’re tired, writing for 15-20 minutes before bed will put your writing topic fresh in your mind. When you wake up, it will likely be the first thing that you think of, and you’ll be able to view it in a new perspective. You may even find the solution in your dreams.

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6. Write about something else.

If you really can’t think of what to write, it could be that you’re writing about the wrong topic. Writers find the most success when they write about a topic they know a lot about or a topic they’re passionate about. If you don’t know enough, do some more research. However, if you’re knowledgeable but still can’t find the words, you might need to turn down a different path.


7. Do something else that’s creative.

Put your mind in creative mode and forget about writing for a while by doing another activity that exercises your right brain. Maybe you’re not great at painting, drawing, or sculpting, but do it anyway. Whatever creative activity you choose to partake in, it will be low-pressure because it’s not required. Your ideas will be able to flow freely, unlocking your potential and relieving the stress of writer’s block while fulfilling your need to create.

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