Finding the Voice of Your Webinar

063Just like the perfect soundtrack to your life, your webinar should have one too. At least in the sense that it should have that same sort of appeal that music has on us. You want your webinar to be one of those things that when people purchase it, they want to come back to it over and over again. You know this though. But bridging the gap between wanting to create a video people will learn and grow from each time to being able to actually build it, isn’t as simple as following a formula.


Formulas are Formulaic

Formulas are, well, formulaic. That means that when you go out there and hear individuals or companies that are promising big returns if you follow their system to success, you end up getting exactly the same end result as everyone else. Far worse you are stripping the individuality of your end product. That is the exact thing that is going to make you marketable.

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dv1954038It is true that studying different formulas to success can help you learn to develop your own path toward your own goals. Just like the old adage that you have to learn the rules before you can break them, the same applies to working with presentations. Whether you are starting to develop a webinar for the first time ever, or are a well-seasoned vet, it is always a good idea to see where the mainstream of what is expected falls into place. To reach the broadest audience you have to appeal to the broadest audience.


The Basics

The basics of a good presentation are fundamentally always the same: good communication, strong message, relevant content, professional (or at least suitably themed) appearance, and accuracy.

brainAccuracy is perhaps one of the most overlooked of this list. For many, getting right into the appearance and packaging of their webinar is the most alluring aspect, and for good reason. It is easy to get caught up in making sure that you have the right look, or the trendiest of styles and packaging so that things will leap right off the shelf these days. But when you stop to consider that most people are searching for information through relevant channels that utilize metadata and a content based search so that consumers are reaching the relevant products they desire, you can begin to see how the glossy shiny packaging and trendy lettering isn’t just the thing you thought it was cracked up to be. Surely it is important but the need to rely on accuracy in your product is what is going to help you get it into the right hands to build your audience and help you get your product or business proposal or project out there in the world.

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Getting Out of the Grey

So how do you manage to bust out of the gray static that fills the internet with the same sort of information? Social Media is clearly the growing trend, and this makes things even easier on your side. Sure it may seem complicated and time consuming to reach out into the seemingly infinite land of different social media apps, but the payoff is immense. Try to spread yourself across too many of these platforms at once and it will drive you crazy. Consolidate where possible, and focus primarily on consistent and direct interaction with your business contacts. This leads to the sort of direct feedback that will help you attend to the accuracy of your product.


Don’t Say, “I can Do That Too”.

homeworkWhen you start really reaching out to others and seeing what people you respect in your field are doing, thoughts of comparison can quickly add up. It doesn’t take long to find yourself thinking, “I can do that too.” Before you know it you are hard at work making your own replicated version of something that is already out there. Instead of looking at others as stepping stones to your own success it is more important to see how other people have focused their attention to make their goals happen. This can give you the proper motivation to go out and excel at achieving your own level of success.

When it comes to take away, you want to walk away from examining others work with a greater sense of how you can approach your own project. Ask yourself, “Am I pushing myself as hard as I can?” If you really feel the answer is a strong and adamant “Yes”, then you most certainly aren’t. You may feel like you are, but you could simply pushing against a wall that won’t budge. Examine all of your options and search hard and wide for opportunities for growth. Know that you will get there and above and beyond all else, keep raising the bar. Getting your webinar up and running and on the scale that you know is possible, requires dedication and consistent questioning. Always give yourself the room to change. You never know which new path is going to get you over that roadblock.

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