Giveaways Your Audience Will Never Forget

The content of your presentation or webinar might be enough to win over your audience. But a few good giveaways never hurt when it comes to being memorable and earning customer loyalty. Whether you give away free stuff in a contest among webinar attendees, or hold a random drawing at your presentation, the chance to win is often enough to inspire people to attend.

Typical giveaways consist of swag like pens, T-shirts, and koozies with a brand name. Somewhat more coveted prizes might be gift certificates to Starbucks or the movies. These are pretty nice, however, they’re run-of-the-mill when it comes to free stuff that lures people in. Every other company is doing something similar, and none of these items particularly resonate with the individual.

What you need is something that your audience will really love and that makes a strong emotional connection with your brand. Combine these two qualities and they’ll have a hard time forgetting you. Here are five creative giveaway ideas that will get your audience talking – even if they don’t receive one.


    1. A gift basket that includes your branded stuff. Chocolates, coffee, and cookie mix, oh my! There’s something for everyone in a gift basket. When filled to the brim, these goodie-packed giveaways will have your audience’s full attention. Customize the baskets by adding a couple of branded items that will make the recipient remember where they got it from.
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    1. Gift certificates to a business you recommend. Show your audience that you’re not only knowledgeable in your industry, but have good taste in others as well. A referral to a business you respect and know well will keep you fresh in their mind. Offer a gift certificate to a company you like or one that is related to your business – for example, if you sell electronics, you could give away money to spend at an electronics repair business. It’s a good opportunity for some mutual marketing support between you and the other brand. If the recipient has a good experience there, those positive feelings could translate into more business for you later on.


    1. A free product or service from your company. There’s no better way to get new clients than to welcome them with open arms and a free trial. People might be hesitant to spend money on something when they’re not sure what they’ll get. One risk-free experience could be all it takes to win them over. If you have a high quality product or service, you can be confident that people who get freebies will be return customers.


    1. Subscriptions to magazines related to your industry. It’s safe to assume that people who attend your presentation or webinar are interested in the topic or industry in general that you cover. A trade, business, or intellectual magazine is a useful gift that the recipient might not have purchased for themselves but will enjoy nonetheless. Go for well-known titles, like Wired for computer geeks or Forbes for consulting professionals.
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    1. A book (print, ebook, or audio) related to your topic. Either a bestseller or a book you have personally found helpful in your professional life will work here. Busy professionals may not have a lot of time to read, but when they do, they’re looking for recommendations from like-minded people. Odds are, they’ll find your suggestion helpful, too, and have you to thank. You can also offer your own published material if you’ve written a book – there’s no shame in self-promotion if the content caters to your audience’s interests.


    1. Something off-beat and kitschy. A good bet for being unforgettable is to choose something to give away that your audience has most likely never seen before. There are all kinds of fun, random things that you can find online or in a local variety store. Caffeinated lip balm is perfect for the on-the-go exec, and cute plush organs will win the hearts of medical professionals.


Giveaways can make a lasting impression on virtual webinar and presentation audiences. Since you have to mail it to them later, it gives you a way to touch base with the recipients days after they attended. The more they’re reminded of your message, the more time they’ll have for it to sink in and to consider the benefits of becoming a customer. The giveaway will boost their positive association with your brand.

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