What are we currently working on? See how we are developing ClickMeeting

ClickMeeting is constantly growing! Below you will find information about the solutions we want to implement so you can create even more engaging, interactive and secure online events

Do you have ideas for new features? Let us know! Your feedback is important to us!

End-to-end encryption (E2EE)

Want to ensure the highest level of security and privacy for your meetings? At ClickMeeting, we have always had a special focus on this issue. However, we go one step further and want to give you the ability to create the most secure events with end-to-end encryption (E2EE).

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) prevents data from being read and modified by anyone other than the sender and receiver.

With this solution, when you select E2EE encryption, you will end up in a secure room with properly configured settings. The encryption will cover the video and audio window and chat messages, among other things.

It is worth using this solution in the scenarios where confidentiality is especially important, for example, if during a meeting:

  •  You will be sharing information of special importance (e.g., during business meetings),
  • You will be discussing sensitive topics with your clients or patients,
  • You will share data that can only be known by strictly defined people.

Communication in the Attendee Space

We want the Attendee Space to become a platform that will allow you to communicate with your audience not only during events, but also before and after them. We are currently working on the development of a chat room that will allow you to keep in touch with your audience through the Attendee Space.

We want to implement modules to be included in invitations, webinar reminders and thank you emails to make it easier for attendees to get in touch. More engagement means more benefits.

Automation of paid webinar billing and more flexibility

Making money from your knowledge is easy with paid webinars on ClickMeeting. Soon, billing will also be simpler thanks to integration with the Invoice platform Fakturownia. You will get the ability to automatically invoice when a ticket is purchased for your paid event.

We also want to make it possible to set different ticket prices within a single event, including early bird sales.

Having webinar attendees take the floor and turn on the camera

Want to let your webinar attendees turn on the camera and speak up to ask a question or participate in a discussion? A new feature will allow you to do this with just a few clicks. Q&A sessions can be even more engaging!

Image quality in screen sharing mode

You will get the opportunity to decide whether you want better image quality or smoothness in screen-sharing mode. With just a few clicks, you can switch between these settings and, for example, offer your audience high image quality when viewing documents or smoothness if you are displaying more dynamic content.

What else are we working on?

That’s not all! We are also implementing other changes that will improve the experience of using ClickMeeting. We are working on, among other things:

  • Invitation mailing: we are developing an invitation mailing planner that will allow you to specify the date and time to send invitations to a specific event.
  • Chat in the event room: we will improve the polling and pin messages function in the chat room, and introduce the option to organize group and private chats.
  • We are also working on moderation issues: it will be possible to give a presenter or attendee chat moderator privileges, improving message management at events.
  • Certificate management: we want it to be possible to specify the minimum time that an attendee will have to spend at an event to obtain a certificate of participation.
  • Presentation mode: we want to make it possible to edit presentations during the event by adding notes or circling, among other things.
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