Quality Versus Quantity in Your Webinar Presentation

If you’re creating a webinar presentation, you’ll want to make sure that you put together the best possible production you can. The success of your webinar can mean a lot for your business as well as your popularity amongst clients and colleagues, potentially putting you at the top of search engines and your products in high demand. However, when it comes to a webinar, you want to make sure that every minute counts.

Many presenters get caught up in creating a presentation that favors quantity over quality, in that they’re overly long, overuse visual aids and graphics, and often target a large audience in which half or more of the members may not really care about the topic. Such webinars are sure to lose you customers and interest, making it difficult for your business to flourish. Instead of making these common mistakes, try creating a webinar that favors quality over quantity, and see how much better your presentation is for it.


The Top Three Ways to Build Quality in Your Webinar

When it comes to building a quality presentation, there are a few key points you must hit that will decide the trajectory of your webinar. The following tips will cover most of your webinar and help you plan out all the finer points as you move from start to finish.


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1. Audience Numbers

Your audience is without a doubt the most important part of your webinar. Without someone to present to, you may as well be talking to a wall. How well your audience reacts to your webinar can spell out further success for you and your company. This is why it is imperative to choose your audience carefully rather than appeal to every individual you come across. How would you go about handpicking your audience? The best way to do this is to advertise in the right places.

You must understand your target audience before you reach out to them, which means you must also have a solid understanding of your product or information and how you want to market them. For example, if your target audience is made up of business associates and CEOs, you’ll want to advertise on business websites, create business-oriented keywords and hashtags to catch attention on social media, and comprise an email list of business professionals.

When you focus in on the more important details, you’ll attract audience members who will truly be interested in your topic. If you also employ a signup or registration process, you’ll be able to gather even more information about your target audience, enabling you to fine tune your advertisements, emails, and future webinars to meet audience needs and demand. If anything, remember that it is better to have less people highly targeted for the topic, than a 1000 untargeted viewers who won’t show the proper interest in your presentation.


2. Content

The content of your webinar is really what makes your presentation worth watching. While great content is important for holding audience attention, you don’t want to overdo it in an attempt to be flashy and attention-grabbing. Instead, you should focus on providing the highest quality content you can create and find to get your point across and build awareness for your product and brand. Content includes everything from the information you provide, questions you may have to ask or answer, and details about yourself or your company, to the opportunities you present through you webinar. It’s what your audience takes away from your presentation and what they will tell their friends and colleagues about once it’s over.

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The important thing to remember about content is that less is always more. It is better to have 30 minutes of content that is of the highest quality than 1 to 1.5 hours of lower quality content. When you opt for a long webinar with low quality content, your audience will either become bored or bogged down with unnecessary information that can cause them to miss the main point of your presentation. Shorter presentations give you the opportunity to focus on what is most essential, allows your audience to stay genuinely engaged without getting antsy, and gives your business and brand a more professional look and feel.


3. Elements

The elements, or visual aids, in your webinar are what will speak for you when lengthy explanations are too much. Researchers have found that 65% of audience members are visual learners, which means videos, charts, graphs, and high quality images will help them grasp a concept better than large blocks of text. By adding visual aids to your webinar, you show that you both care and cater to your audience members and aim to provide them with everything they need to understand the information you’re presenting.

While these elements are highly important for your webinar, it is important to know that having a lot of low quality visual aids can only hurt you. If your pictures are blurry, your videos grainy, your graphs hard to decipher and understand, and your charts irrelevant, your audience will begin to focus more on the poor quality of your presentation rather than the topic.

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This means that they’ll most likely come away from your webinar with a lot of criticisms which can ultimately harm you and your business. Due to this, it is important to find the perfect balance of text and visual elements to make your webinar look both professional and coherent.

It is much better to have the highest quality images, video, graphs, charts and other elements than a ton of low quality ones. The best way to distribute these elements is to stick to this rule of thumb: can the concept you’re trying to get across be explained concisely? If not, a visual aid may be used. Sometimes a video, image, graph or chart can say something clearly without taking up too much space or too many words—utilize this to make your webinar shorter, but better.

Remember, quality is always better than quantity, so use these tips to transform your webinar into the best version of itself.

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