4 Ways to Use Storytelling in Your Webinar

Nothing beats a good story. The best of them suck you in and stick with you long after they’re told – and retold. When you hear a story from friends at the bar or roasting marshmallows over a campfire, there are certain elements that make it really satisfying. A good story strikes a chord with the hearts and minds of the audience.

The same can be said for storytelling in content marketing. The use of stories to highlight the value of a product or service can be an effective way to earn new business. But storytelling isn’t easy. We’ve all heard or read stories that fall flat: the ending doesn’t deliver, the sequence is off, or the character isn’t relatable. Storytelling is an art, and when it comes to content marketing, getting it right will make the difference in your sales.

You can tell stories in your webinar to get the attention of your audience and genuinely engage them. Building a compelling story about your brand will convey why your consumer should be interested in your brand. Here’s how you can bring storytelling to the next level in your next webinar.

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Create a Compelling Character

When people hear a story, they’re most interested in the human aspect. In a good story, readers and listeners can become invested in the characters. The focus of your storytelling should be on a main character or characters that your audience can relate to or who they might aspire to be like. This creates a connection that will draw them into the story.


Be Clear What’s at Stake

Your product or service comes into the story when the character encounters a problem. The role of your brand is to solve that problem. The conflict is what makes the story interesting and holds the audience’s attention. Make the problem or conflict of your story believable and give it an emotional hook. For instance, a harried mother of three has a limited budget; your brand can help her save money on a particular product. Your audience will understand the dilemma right away and empathize with the character. With a realistic plot, they’ll care about what happens to the character.


Make Your Character the Hero

Adding a heroic aspect to your main character will inspire your audience to take a chance on your brand. Not only does the character overcome some dilemma in the story – they do it by using your product or service. But the focus of the story should still be on the character, because people are most interested in learning about people (and how they might benefit like the character does). Your story tells the audience what kind of person they can be with the help of your product or service. An effective tale will make them want to be like the hero, and by the end, become one of your customers.

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Deliver a Satisfying Ending

Complete your story with an ending that gives the audience what they want. The worst experience when hearing or reading a story is when the resolution is trite or doesn’t make sense. Make the story worth their time from start to finish. Remember, the ending is where you really drive home the value of your product. If the hero gets what they want and more, that’s an effective ending that will drive your message home. If the audience feels disappointed with the conclusion, it could steer them away from your brand.

The moral of the story is this: the content marketing aspect of your webinar can benefit from a compelling tale – but only if it’s one that hooks your audience. We’ve all heard pointless stories, and they fall on deaf ears. Not everyone can be a good storytelling, so don’t hesitate to get others’ input or hire a professional to write yours. You’ll strengthen the message of your webinar with a story that has a heroic main character, an attention-grabbing plot, and a satisfying ending. In short, make it a bestseller.

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