4 Ways To Convey Expertise During A Webinar

Simply put: authority sells. People will be more willing to buy a product or use a service from a person or business who they, or others, view and an expert or authority in the industry.

Generally, people who are not yet your customers will be naturally skeptical about your products or service.

After all, you are asking them to part with their money and they donít yet have any guarantee that the product will work for them. However, if you convey your expertise during a webinar you can do much to build your authority and turn a skeptical consumer into a satisfied customer.

Webinars are fantastic tools to build authority and show your expertise. However, just because you host a webinar and are prepared to talk for 45 minutes on a given subject and answer the audience’s questions doesn’t automatically make you an expert.


To help you convey expertise during a webinar, here are 4 ways you can do that:


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1. Find a New Angle

The first way to convey expertise and build authority in a webinar is to find a new angle to develop a topic. Webinars offer the chance to engage with consumers anywhere in the world and speak to them on an individual basis.

During your webinar, you should choose topics which are interesting enough for a wide audience, but specific enough to be informative. It has been said that there is nothing new under the sun. While it is true that your topic may not be new, you can certainly think of interesting ways to develop the topic.

It may take some time, but if you can present your topics in an interesting way, you will build up a larger and larger community which will help you build authority. After all, if many people attend your webinars and follow you on social media, you must be good!


2. Content Curation

What is information curation? Information curation shouldn’t be confused with information creation. To curate information means simply to gather together valuable pieces of information that your audience is interested in and present it in your own unique way.

This is similar to how museums work. The curator in a museum looks for interesting artifacts from around the world on a specific theme and puts them together as a display. The museum then becomes an authority on the specific topic. Presenting curated information during a webinar is another way to convey expertise.

Of course, you should give credit to the creators of the content, but the fact that you have sifted through much information and picked the most valuable items will do much to build your authority.

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3. Answer questions

You probably know more about your product or service than anyone else. This puts you in a position of authority and expertise. When your audience can see you talk enthusiastically about your product, see you demonstrate how the product can benefit them, then hear you answer questions on the product, you convey a high level of expertise.

Then, when your audience starts using the product and benefits from it, your expertise in their eyes will grow. This means that they will probably come back to you in the future when they need a similar product or service.

Think about how Google has managed to do this. Google doesn’t host or generate any information that comes up in the search results. They have developed a system to provide people with the best and most relevant answers to the questions and issues that people have. People now turn to Google whenever they want an answer to a question.


4. Collaborate with Authority

If you haven’t yet had the chance to build authority, then you can convey expertise during a webinar if you invite guest speakers who are already viewed as authority figures. In the eyes of your audience, their authority will ‘rub off’ on you.

It’s important to cultivate relationships with authority figures in your industry and connect with them. Many will be more than happy to share their expertise as a guest speaker during your webinar. After all, who wouldn’t be flattered by receiving an invitation to speak as an authority? It also gives them a chance to expand their audience. So for you and your guest speaker, it is a win-win situation.

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This also has an added benefit that you will also learn from them and you will get a feel as to how to present yourself as an expert, thus building authority even more.


It can be very simple to convey expertise during a webinar, even if you are just starting out or have only presented a few webinars. If you follow these 4 ways to convey your expertise, then you will build authority and successfully market your product.

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