7 Things Companies Can Share Using Videoconference Recording  

Written content is a tried-and-true way to help your target audience get to know your brand. But when seeing is believing, video content can enhance your ability to convince potential customers even more.

The recording feature of videoconferencing software is the perfect tool for creating video content to share via e-mail, social media, and you company website. If you’re already using it for business meetings and live presentations, you’ll find the recording capabilities just as useful. Why not take the next step and create great content for your customer base? Here are seven ideas to get you started.


Mission Statement

There are many options for clients to choose from, and they want to know what makes you stand out. Tell them why they should choose you by presenting your mission statement and company values. Ethics and culture are important for many customers, as it tells them what they can expect from you. Record the CEO or other top leaders explaining what the company stands for so customers can get to know you better.


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Company History

Another way to introduce yourself to customers is to capture the history and background of your company on camera. This will get them more information about your expertise and strengths. Using video editing software, you can mix leadership and employee narratives in with nostalgic images from you company’s past. Knowing how you’ve grown and stayed competitive will give customers more confidence in your business.


People of Importance

Unless you’re Madonna or the Queen Mother, a name and a title say very little about who you are. Putting a face with a name will humanize your company and personalize the customer experience. Set up a “studio” to record interviews with leadership, management and other employees from the top down, so it looks professional and shows commitment to excellence. This project might take some time, but the enhancement to your credibility and client trust make it worth it.


Virtual Tour of Spaces

Though it might not seem like customers would be interested in seeing your office building, warehouse, or factory, giving them a look inside your workspace shows transparency and attention to details. If you show them where and how the magic happens, your company will seem all the more intriguing. People like to have information – it puts them at ease – so putting together a 1-2 minute video tour will satisfy your most curious customers.


Products and Services

A product or service description is essential for your company website, but why just tell them about what you have to offer when you can show them? Videos of your product or service can provide a demonstration of how it works and help clear up any questions customers might have. Show your product in action, or give concrete examples and testimonials of how your service helps customers.

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Multimedia Newsletter

Don’t stop at your weekly or monthly e-mail newsletter: start curating interesting information to make video newsletters that serve as a “show and tell” for your company. Show video of a recent company event, or tell customers about your latest product developments. You can alternate these with your e-mail newsletter, or include the video as supplemental content for your e-mails.


Procedures and Policies

The less-fun part about running a business is dealing with the legal details, but it must be done. Companies require legal documentation to explain terms and conditions, warranties, and other information to customers. Reading through these lengthy documents can be tedious, though, and some customers may skip it over altogether, missing important information. Make it easier for them to get the information they need by summarizing important points in a video about your procedures and policies. You can also explain how clients can get customer service help and who to contact for more information.

Visual content has proven to be more effective than written content at communicating information to clients. Recording video content with video conferencing software can improve customer confidence in your brand and your overall relationship with your target audience. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but once you get started, you won’t want to stop! Soon, you’ll have built a whole library of video content that you can leverage for educating, informing and entertaining your customers.

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