When Should I Record a Videoconference?

It’s easy to record a videoconference, and that’s just one of that things that makes videoconferencing a great tool for communicating in the office. However, it’s not always necessary to preserve each and every meeting at your company. Stand-alone meetings typically do not need to be recorded, because most of the time someone is taking minutes – though they certainly can be kept for posterity. But when is it really essential to make recordings of a virtual meeting? We break it down into three (and, possibly, a few more) situations where a recording can make your life easier and help achieve your desired outcomes.


Company-Wide Communication

Communicating effectively with an entire company, especially if it’s a mid- to large-sized company, can be a challenge. When business leaders need to send out word of company updates and changes, an e-mail will do the trick, but a message with a face attached is always better received. Often, quarterly or yearly company updates are given at company-wide meetings that include important information, but not everyone can always attend, even remotely. You can better reach your entire staff in a more personal way by recording meetings that are relevant to them so that can stay updated on what they need to know. When announcing topics like upcoming product launches, financial reports, and new projects, meeting minutes and transcripts are less effective than hearing the message firsthand.

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Employee Training

Every new employee needs training to perform their job, and even the most seasoned members of your staff need to brush up on skills or learn new ones once in awhile. Video conferencing can be utilized to train staff at remote locations – but it can be help get training to anyone, anywhere. Once a training is recorded, it can be used over and over so long as it’s relevant. Instead of needing to attend an on-site training in-person, employees can watch a recorded version of the training that highlights new procedures, company policies, and customer service standards that are required of them. Recordings are invaluable for onboarding and keeping existing employees’ skills current.


Job Candidate Interviews

Interviews only happen once, yet the information that candidates share about themselves – including unspoken things like their personality and professionalism – don’t always make it into the notes. In the best case scenario, all members of the search committee are present, but we all know that the best case scenario rarely happens. Recording job interviews ensures that search committee members can make a fully informed decision even if they missed the candidates’ interview. You can also get feedback from non-deciding members of your staff to get their opinion on how the top candidates would fit in with the organization.


The Gray Areas: Should I Record My Meeting?

It’s always up to you whether you want to record a meeting or not. There are some cases where it might be more prudent than others to keep a videoconference on file. Decision-making meetings where not every member could be present, but each member needs to take part in the decision-making, are one example. Another time it could be helpful is any kind of information-sharing meeting that is not easily condensed into meeting minutes, or where staff could benefit from watching all or part of the meeting. For example, if one of your employees gives a presentation or detailed project update in the middle of a meeting, it might make more sense for interested parties to watch it than just read a summary. In the end, you have the power to record any videoconference you want., but you can simplify your life and reduce information overload by recording just the essentials.

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